- 작목별 작업단계별 노동력 투하시간 농촌진흥청
- 종자정렬형 정밀 마늘파종기 개발 신익환
- 농촌전망 2000 한국농촌경제연구원
Upright positioning of garlic cloves has been considered as an essential process for mechanical planting because positioning affects the quality and yield of garlic production. Due to the geometrical uniqueness and irregularity of garlic cloves in shape, the planting operation has been conducted by manual. Manual planting requires intensive labors and high production cost. The overall Boal of this research was to develop a garlic clove planter which maintains a garlic clone upright. Specific objective was investigating planting condition and physical properties of garlic clove. The results were summarized as fellows : Based on the survey results, a garlic clove planter should have a planting capacity of at least 140 cloves in a pyung (3.3m