- JVIM v.6 Ultrasonography of diffuse liver dieases Biller DS;Kantrowitz B;Miyabayashi T
- Veterinary Ophthalmology,2nd ed. Canine anterior uvea Collins BK;Moore CP;Gelatt KN(ed.)
- Compend Count Educ Pract Vet v.7 Canine lymphomas: something old. something new Couto CG
- Aust Vet J v.75 no.6 Retrospective study of 60 cases of feline lymphosarcoma Court EA;Watson AD;Peaston AE
- J Vet Intern Med v.7 Evaluation of prognostic factors and sequential combination chemotherapy for canine lymphoma Keller ET;MacEwen EG;Rosenthal RC;Helfand SC;Fox LE
- Veterinary Ophthalmology, 2nd ed. Feline ophalmology Nasisse MP
- Small Animal INternal Medicine. 2nd ed. Richard W. Nelson;C, Guillermo Couto
- JSAP v.32 Correlation of ultrasonographic and pathological findings in canine hepatic disease Voros K;Vrabely T;Papp L;Hovarth L;Karsai F
- Vet Radiol Ultrasound v.35 Ultrasonographic examination of cervical masses in the dog and cat Wisner ER;Nyland TG;Mattoon JS
- J Am Vet Med Assoc v.193 Utrasonographic features of splenic lymphosarcoma in dogs: 12 cases(1980-1986) Wrigley RH;Konde LJ;Park RD;Lebel JL