고양이에서 Streptococcus sp. 감염에 의한 자궁농축증 1례

Pyometra by Streptococcus sp. infection in a Cat

  • 발행 : 2001.12.01


A female Russian blue cat has invited Animal Hospital because of diarrhea after the mating. The eggs on internal parasite and Giardia sp. were diagnosed in the feces floating test, and treated with metronidazole, pyrantel pamoate and antibiotics. There were no diarrheal sign in the reevaluation, but anorexia, polydipsia, polyuria, and vaginal discharge was newly induced. Streptococcus sp. was inspected by smearing of vaginal discharge, and enlarge-ment of uterus was evaluated by x-ray examination. This case was confirmed as pyometra and recovered by ovariohysterectomy on the basis of that examination. The rate of incidence in feline pyometra is not so high as in the canine.



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  14. 수의산과학. 4판 조충호;강병규;최상룡;황우석;김용준;신상태;황광남;김희석