Machining Sequence Generation with Machining Times for Composite Features

가공시간에 의한 복합특징형상의 가공순서 생성

  • Published : 2001.12.01


For more complete process planning, machining sequence determination is critical to attain machining economics. Although many studies have been conducted in recent years, most of them suggests the non-unique machining sequences. When the tool approach directions(TAD) are considered fur a feature, both machining time and number of setups can be reduced. Then, the unique machining sequence can be extracted from alternate(non-unique) sequences by minimizing the idle time between operations within a sequence. This study develops an algorithm to generate the best machining sequence for composite prismatic features in a vertical milling operation. The algorithm contains five steps to produce an unique sequence: a precedence relation matrix(PRM) development, tool approach direction determination, machining time calculation, alternate machining sequence generation, and finally, best machining sequence generation with idle times. As a result, the study shows that the algorithm is effective for a given composite feature and can be applicable fur other prismatic parts.
