Study on Laws Conerned With Environmental Management of the Coadtal Zone in Korea

우리 나라 연안환경보전 관련 법율 에 관한 연구

  • 공경자 (한국해양대학교 해사법학과박사과정 수료)
  • Published : 2001.01.01


The coastal waters and the adjacent coastal lands strongly influenced by each other and includes islands, transitional and intertidal ares, salt marshes wetlands and beaches. We focus on the coastal zone because of its unique geographical characteristics, Its ecological and economic importance, and the increasing pressures on its integrity. Our coastal zone have been controlled individually about 50 of a different kind of laws, as a result, to reach an individual purpose of the laws, people have developed the coastal zone without considering environmental condition, which brought about ecological destruction, pollution and devastation of the coastal areas. Finally, In 1999, the Coastal Management Act and the Wetlands Conservation Act were established and hereafter the environmental concern has been increased. They will be an important role to preserve our environment of coastal zone. Here I will examine the Laws concerned with environmental management of coastal zone and indicate immanent problems of it. So, I expect that problems will be improved one by one through this paper.



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