Operating Characteristics of Ammonia-Water Absorber Heat Exchange Cycle

암모니아-물 흡수식 열교환 사이클의 운전 특성

  • Published : 2001.11.01


A bench type ammonia-water absorber heat exchange cycle was tested by varying the system charging concentration, refrigerating valve opening and weak solution flow rate. It was observed that the cooling capacity was increased as the system charging concentration was increased. Optimum system charging concentration was found for the coolong capacity of the system. The opening rate of refrigerant expansion valve had a direct influence on the refrigerant sub-cooling at the condenser outlet. Optimum sub-cooling was found to be 0~4$^{\circ}C$. As the weak solution flow rate increased the concentration of strong solution and the evaporating pressure decreased. There existed a optimum weak solution flow rate which maximized the cooling capacity and COP.

충진농도, 냉매 팽창밸브 개도, 그리고 약용액의 유량 변화에 따른 벤치타입 암모니아-물 흡수식 열교환 사이클에 대한 실험을 수행한 결과 시스템의 충진농도가 증가할수록 냉방능력이 증가하였으며, 최적의 충진농도가 존재함을 알았다. 그리고 냉매 팽창 밸브의 개도는 응축기 출구의 직접적인 영향을 주고 있으며 최적의 과냉도가 0~4$^{\circ}C$임을 알았다. 또한 약용액의 유량이 증가시킬수록 증발압력과 강용액의 농도가 즐어들었으며, 냉방능력과 COP가 최대가 되는 최적의 약용액 유량이 존재하였다.



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