수학 기피요인의 설정 및 기피성향의 분석도구 개발

Studies on Exploring Math. Disliking Factors and Devising Tools to Analyze Students' Disliking Trends about School Mathematics

  • 발행 : 2001.11.01


To lessen the ratio of under achievers is one of the most urgent task which recent school mathematics education is confronted with. To cope with this problem efficiently, math. teachers should know more specifically and concretely the causes that make the students dislike mathematics. But actually, there are too many reasons for these situations. So, in this paper, we tried to devise a tool to analyze and measure each student's math. disliking status. We proceeded this research via the following procedures. 1. Grasping the causes which make the students dislike mathematics as specifically as possible. To obtain this, we asked more than 300 of secondary school students to write down their thoughts about school mathematics. 2. Analyzing the responses, we abstracted 74 numbers of items which were supposed to be the causes for secondary school students'mathematics disliking. 3. With these items we made a test to measure students'aptitude for each item. 4. With this test paper, we tested over 800 of secondary school students. Through factor analysis and theoretical argument, we categorized the 74 items into 11 groups whose names were defined as factors of mathematics disliking. 5. For each of these 11 factors, we developed a norm which could serve as standard of comparison in measuring each student's mathematics disliking status. Using this tool teachers were able to describe each student's traits of mathematics disliking more specifically.
