충돌 탐지 방법들의 소개

  • 백낙훈 (동국대학교 컴퓨터·멀티미디어공학과)
  • Published : 2001.12.01




  1. 2nd Edition Computer Graphics, Principles and Practice J. Foley;A. van Dam;S. Feiner;J. Hughes
  2. 3D Games v.1 A. Watt;F. Policarpo
  3. Symp. on Interactive 3D graphics I-COLLIDE: An Interactive and Exact Collision Detection System for Large-Scale Environments J. Cohen;M. Lin;D. Manocha;M. Ponamgi
  4. SIGGRAPH'96 OBB-Tree: A Hierarchical Structure for Rapid Interference Detection S. Gottschalk;M. Lin;D. Manocha
  5. Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications M. de Berg;M. van Kreveld;M. Overmars;O. Schwarzkopf
  6. IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Comp. Graphics v.4 no.1 Efficient Collision Detection Using Bounding Volume Hierarchies of k-DOPs J. Klosowski;M. Held;J. Mitchell;H. Sowizral;K. Zikan
  7. IEEE CG&A v.14 no.3 Solving the Collision detection problem Garcia-Alonso;et al.
  8. SIGGRAPH'88 Collision Detection and Response for Computer Animation M. Moore;J. Wilhelm
  9. Thesis Efficient Collision Detection for Animation and Robotics M. Lin
  10. SIGGAPH'90 Curved Surfaces and Coherence for Non-penetrating Rigid Body Simulation D. Baraff
  11. Proc. IEEE Symp. on Res. Frontiers in Virtual Reality Interactive Collision Detection P. Hubbard