Software 품질 평가에 대한 Human-Computer Interaction 관점에서의 접근

  • 발행 : 2001.11.01




  1. Software Quality: Theory and Management Gillies, A.
  2. Quality Control Handbook Juran, J.M.
  3. Charcteristics of Software Quality Boehm, B.;Brown, J. R.;Kasper, H.;Lipow, M.;McLeod, G.;Merritt, M.
  4. Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering Stephen, H. K.
  5. IEEE Software Software quality : the elusive target Kitchenham, B.;Pfleeger, S. L.
  6. ISO/IEC DTR 9126-1 Software engineering-Software product quality-Part 1: Quality model
  7. ISO/IEC DTR 9126-2 Software engineering-Software product quality-Part 2: External metrics
  8. ISO/IEC DTR 9126-3 Software engineering-Software product quality-Part 3: Unternal metrics
  9. ISO/IEC DTR 9126-4 Software engineering-Software product quality-Part 4: Quality in use metrics
  10. Software Engineering Sommerville, I.
  11. ISO/IEC 14598-1 Information technology-Software product evaluation-Part 1: General overview
  12. IEEE Computer A software system evaluation framework Boloix, G.;Robillard, P. N.
  13. IEEE AES Systems Magazine It is software process stupid: next millennium software quality key Raman, S.
  14. Proceedings of the third international symposium and forum on software engineering standards Quality in use : incoroporating human factors into the software engineering lifecycle Bevan, N.
  15. Behavior and Information Technology v.13 Usability measurement in context Bevan, N.;Macleod, M.
  16. The Joural of Systems and Software v.49 Quality in use: meeting user needs for quality Bevan, N.
  17. Journal of Software Quality v.4 Measuring usability as quality of use Bevan, N.
  18. Proceedings of 6th international conference on human computer interaction Usability is quality of use Bevan, N.
  19. Human-Computer Interaction Preece, J.;Rogers, Y.;Sharp, H.;Benyon ,D.;Holland, S.;Carey, T.
  20. Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction Helander, M.(ed.)
  21. 한국정보과학회지 v.9 no.5 HCI에 관한 인지공학적 연구의 방향 윤완철
  22. Cognitive Systems Engineering Rasmussen, J.;Pejtersen, A.M.;Goodstein, L.P.
  23. Cognitive Work Analysis Vicente, K.J.
  24. User and Task Analysis for Interface Design Hackos, J.T.;Redish, J.C.
  25. Handbook of Usability Testing: How to Plan, Design, and Conduct Effective Tests Rubin, J.
  26. Proceedings of 6th international conference on human computer interaction Human-computer interaction standards Bevan, N.
  27. Principles and Guidelines in Software User Interface Design Mayhew, D.J.
  28. Aqua Human Interface Guidelines (Macworld draft) Apple Computer Inc.
  29. Ameritech Graphical User Interface Standards and Design Guidelines Schumacher, R. M.
  30. Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI`91 The use of guidelines in interface design Tetzlaff, L.;Schwartz. D.R.
  31. Proceedings of CHI `91 Assessing the usability of a user interface standard Thovtrup, H.;Nielsen, J.
  32. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics v.15 The role of hierarchical knowledge representation in decision making and system management Rasmussen, J.
  33. Engineering Psychology and Human Performance Wickens, C. D.
  34. An Introduction to Human Factors Engineering Wickens, C.D.;Gordon, S.E.;Liu, Y.
  35. The Psychology of Everyday Things Norman, D.A.
  36. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics v.26 Evaluation of product usability : development and validation of usability dimensions and design elements based on empirical models Han, S.H.;Yun, M.H.;Kim, K.-J.;Kwahk, J.
  37. MIS Quarterly v.13 no.3 Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of infromation technology Davis, F.D.
  38. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction v.7 no.1 IBM computer usability satisfaction questionnaires: psychometric evaluation and instructions for use Lewis, J.R.
  39. Behavior and Information Technology v.16 A proposed index oof usability : a method for comparing the relative usability of different software systems Lin, H.X.;Choong, Y.Y.;Salvendy, G.