Nutrition Survery of Female Middle School Students in Urban and Rural Areas of Inchon

인천 도시 및 농촌 지역 여중생의 영양실태조사

  • 권우정 (인하대학교 생화과학대학 식품영양학과) ;
  • 장경자 (인하대학교 생화과학대학 식품영양학과) ;
  • 김순기 (인하대학교 소아과)
  • Published : 2001.08.01


This study was conducted to investigate the nutrient intake, dietary and weight control behaviors and iron deficiency of adolescent girls. The subjects were 216 female middle school students living in urban and rural areas of Inchon. Thin cross- sectional study was conducted by questionnaires and data were analyze by SAS program. Nutrient intakes collected from 3 day-recalls were analyzed by the Computer Aided Nutritional Analysis Program(CAN-pro). The mean height, weight. BMI and obesity index for the subjects were 158.2 cm, 51.1kg, 20.4 and -5.3 % in urban students and 155.9 cm, 49.3 kg 21.1 and -8.2% in rural students, respectively. Easting blood samples were obtained and analyzed for iron nutritional status. The mean obesity index of the urban students was higher than that of the rural students. The proportion of the overweight group was higher in urban students compared to rural students, However, over 10% of both area students belonged to the low weight group, respectively. Most students of both areas skipped breakfast and the main reason was on appetite and lack of time. Urban students were more concerned with body image. The nutrients which showed a lower mean intake as percentile of RDA were Ca, iron, vit A an Vit B$_2$ and most nutrient intakes of urban students were significantly higher compared to those of rural students. These results indicate that nutrient intakes in the female middle school students were considerably lower than the RDA. Also they had undesirable food habits and lower self-satisfaction with their body image, There were significant differences in the mean MCV, TIBC and serum ferritin between urban and rural area subjects. Mean Hb, Hct, MCH, MCHC and TS, bowaver, were not significantly different. Prevalence of iron deficiency greatly varied by indices from urban(11.5%) and rural (8.7%) when judged by Hb to urban(23.1) and rural (23.3%) by serum ferrition. Therefore, proper nutrition education is required for good nutrition desirable food habits, weight control, and guidance for iron deficiency in anemic female of adolescents.
