I시 어린이 놀이터의 토양 중 중금속 오염에 관한 연구

Evaluation of Heavy Metal Pollution in Soil on the Playgrounds for Children in I area

  • 발행 : 2001.09.01


The study was conducted to measure the heavy metal pollution of soils at the playground for children and to investigate the characteristics of heavy metals distribution I city. The studied area was divided into two: the residential area and the industrial area. The samples of the sands and soils were collected from both areas. The results were obtained as follows. All average concentration of 6 different heavy metals was found to be lower than the standard of soil pollution. Zn, Pb and cu concentrations were higher than other species of heavy metals. The contents of heavy metals in the soil were higher than the sands. The average contents of Zn, Pb, Cu, As, Hg and Cd in soil were 38.36, 9.53, 7.31, 0.03, 0.18 and 0.09 mg/kg respectively. Comparing with the residential area, heavy metal concentrations of the industrial area were 4.60, 1.49, 2.60 and 4.29 times for Zn, Pb, Hg and Cd in soils, respectively.
