A qualitative analysis on therapeutic factors in group counseling based on family sculpture technique

질석 분석을 통한 가족조각 기법 집단상담의 상담효과 요인

  • Published : 2001.10.01


The purposes of this study are first, to develop the group counseling program based on Satir’s family sculpture technique, second to investigate the therapeutic factors of Satir’s family sculpture in group counseling. To perform this study, 8 session of time limited(3 hours) group counseling were carried out. There were 12 participants in this group. The major findings were as follows: 1) the rank order fro therapeutic factors were university, group cohesiveness, instillation of hope, family reenactment, self-understanding and altruism. 2) through the family sculpture technique, group participants saw their communication patterns. They found out that use communication patterns to hide their low self-esteem. They learned the alternative communication style. 3) the participants developed the sense of self-disclosure, empathy and trust in the group. Self disclosure, empathy and trust facilitated a deeper level of therapeutic group interaction. 4) in observing their group members do their family sculpture, participants found out that every family has some problem that the family conflict is universal thing, 5) the participants had opportunity to share their feelings that were hidden deep inside Intensive emotions following self disclosure led to catharsis, 6) the participants developed a good feeling toward their group and it led to group cohesiveness. 7) through the family sculpture technique, the participants gained a better understanding on their role and position within their families 8) through the family sculpture technique, they gained a better understanding of their family. They found their family members’ psychological positions and unfinished emotional businesses and thus they could restructure their family sculptures. 9) the participants had the opportunity to feel what it is like to become parents themselves, They became to see their parents as individuals. 10) the participants acted out what they wanted to do but could not do in the past. They saw the possibility of change and development in themselves.



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  10. 부산대학교 석사학위 논문 Satir 가족치료 이론을 바탕으로 한 집단상담 상담효과 유수경
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