심장수술 110례 임상고찰

Clinic Analysis of Heart Surgery -110 cases-

  • 장헌 (연변대학복지병원 흉부외과) ;
  • 신성애 (연변대학복지병원 소아과) ;
  • 노중기 (연변대학복지병원 흉부외과) ;
  • 노준량 (한국서울대학교병원 흉부외과학교실)
  • Chang, Hoon (Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Yan Bian University Fuzhi Hospital) ;
  • Shin, Sung-Aia (Department of Pediatrics, Yan Bin University Fuzhi Hospital) ;
  • No, Joong-Kee (Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Yan Bian University Fuzhi Hospital) ;
  • Rho, Jun-Ryang (Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular surgery, Seoul National University Hospital)
  • 발행 : 2001.08.01


본 논문을 쓰는 목적은 본원에서 2000년 9월까지 시행한 110례 심장수술을 대상으로 임상분석하여 향후 임상성적에 도움을 얻고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법: 본원에서는 1995년 1월부터 동맥관개존증수술을 시작한 이래 1999년 2월부터 개심술을 시행하여 2000년 9월까지 동맥관개존중 이중결찰술 10례, 개심술 100례 도합 110례의 심장수술을 시행하였다. 결과: 수술받은 환자들중 조선족이 74례(67.3%), 한족이 35례(31.8%)였다. 선천성심질환은 95례, 후천성심판막질환은 15례였다. 선천성심질화는 비청색성심질환이 83례로서 심실중격결손 및 연합기형 45례, 심방중격결손 및 연합기형 20례, 동맥관개존중 연합질환 11례, 동맥관개존증 연합질환 11례, 선천성대동맥판 협착 5례, 선천성 누두부협착 및 Ebstein 기형 각각 1례였다. 청색성심질환이 12례를 차지하였는데 11례가 활로씨사증후군으로서 전부 완전교정술을 시행하였다. 후천성심판막질환은 7례에서 판막치환술이 시행되였는데 그중 3례가 연합판막치환술, 3례가 승모판치환술, 1례가 대동맥판치환술이 진행되었다. 또한 8례에서 판막성형술을 시행했는데 승모판 성형술은 교련절개술, 판첨절제 성형술, 건삭성형, 유두근성형술과 판륜환을 이용한 판륜성형술 1례, 인공건삭 형성술 1례등이 포함되였다. 결론: 선천성심질환에서 비청색증군은 수술후 양호한 단기결과를 얻었으나 청색증군 활로씨사증후군은 수술방법에 따라 술후 회복의 차이가 다소 있었으며 향후 장기추적관찰을 요한다. 후천성심판막질환중 판막성형술의 단기결과는 비교적 양호하나 장기추적관찰을 요한다. 전체에서 수술사망은 한례도 없었다.

Background: The purpose of writing this article is to get better clinical results and further clinical improvement based on subject to 110 cases of cardiac surgery which were performed and clinically analyzed. Material and Method: Since January 1995, the patent ductus arteriosus surgery had started in our hospital. In February 1999, an open heart surgery had started and up to September 2000, total of 110 cases were performed as of double ligation of patent ductus arteriosus(10 cases) and open heart surgery(100 cases). Result: Among the patients, Korean-Chines was 74(67.3%) and Han-Chinese was 35(31.8%). Congenital heart disease was 95 cases and acquired valvular heart disease was 15 cases. 83 cases of acyanotic congenital heart disease consisted of ventricular septal defect(VSD) with associated anomaly(45 cases), atrial septal defect(ASD) with associated anomaly(20 cases), patent ductus arteriosus(PDA) with associated anomaly(11 cases), cogenital aortic stenosis(5 cases), double chamber right ventrical(1 case) and Ebstein's anomaly(1 case). Among the 12 cases of cyanotic congenital heart disease, 11 cases of tetralogy of Fallot underwent total correction. Among the 15 cases of acquired valvular heart disease, valvular replacement(7 cases), double valve replacement (3 cases), mitral valve replacement(3 cases) and aortic valve replacement(1 case) were performed. And 8 cases of valvuloplasty were performed by using of commissurotomy, chordal plasty, plasty of papillary muscle, ring type annuloplasty, repair of leaflet. Conclusion: on cogenital heart disease, short term results of surgery for acyanotic cogenital heart disease was good. Among the cyanotic congenital heart disease, tetralogy of Fallot showed a little difference of recovery according to the surgery method so that further follow up observation was needed for long term result. On acquired valvular heart disease, especially, in terms of short term result of valvuloplasty, was relatively good, but further follow up observation was also needed for long term result. There wasn's any operative mortality.



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