The purpose of this study is to know whether single layer continuous connell suture is an acceptable alternative to simple interrupted approximating suture for end-to-end intestinal anastomosis in dogs. Fourteen mixed-breed dogs weighing 2 to 5 kg were allotted to group treated with simple interrupted approximating suture (Group I) and group treated with single layer continuous Connell suture (Group II), each of 7 dogs. All dogs in each suture pattern were compared with time for total operation ad suture elapsed for intestines to anastomose, clinical signs, changing of pre-and postoperative luminal size, status of feces, adhesion at anastomotic site for 14 days after operation. Time for total operation and suture time for intestinal anastomosis were none significant between Group I and Group II, although those in Group II was about 3 minutes shorter than those in Group I, respectively. Group I spent average 47.08${\pm}$11.10 minutes on total operation, 20.97${\pm}$5.54 minutes on suture time for intestinal anastomosis and Group II spent average 44.74${\pm}$7.77 minutes, 17.73${\pm}$3.05 minutes, respectively. All dogs were no special differences in vitality, vomiting, appetite between Group I and Group II for 14 days after operation. All dogs, except one dog in Group I, had showed normal vitality and appetite since 6~8 days after operation. Initial return of fecal passage showed in all dogs before 6 days after operation and thereafter most dogs showed normal feces. According to results, it was thought that all dogs with normal vitality and appetite before 8 days had showed good prognosis. There were no changes of intestinal luminal size in 2 dogs performed Group In and one dog performed Group II between at operation and 14 days after operation. Narrowing rate of intestinal lumen in Group I was average 9.3% of the normal diameter, whereas in Group II, 9.5% of normal diameter. In complications after operation, only one dog in Group I showed intestinal intussusception but the others didn't. Length of adhesion was measured between intestinal anastomotic site and omental graft. Length of adhesion in dogs performed Group II was mostly shorter than that of Group I. Adhesion with proximate intestines occurred in five dogs, which consisted of 3 dogs performed Group I and 2 dogs performed Group II. Concurrently, they had a great length of adhesion between anastomotic site and omental graft. There were no great differences between Group I and Group II about speed of operation, clinical signs, complications such as leakage and stricture. And all dogs performed intestinal anastomosis showed good clinical condition and prognosis. In conclusion, Single layer continuous Connell suture can safely perform an intestinal anastomosis and be an alternative of simple interrupted approximating suture in aspect of speed clinically.