The Sensual Characteristic of Bread Added Lycii Fructus Concentrate

구기자 농축액을 첨가한 빵의 관능적 특성

  • 박영희 (동신대학교 식품생물공학과) ;
  • 정곤 (동신대학교 식품생물공학과)
  • Published : 2001.06.01


The bread added Lycii Fructus concentrate(10%) had a lightly dark surface with regard to the lightness of bread, especially Lycii Fructus experiment group was inclined to show low level in yellow chromaticity. The bread texture added Lycii Fructus concentrate was 163.3(g/㎠) in control group. The bread texture added Lycii Fructus concentrate(5%), Lycii Fructus concentrate(10%) was 152.9(g/㎠), 152.6(g/㎠) respectively in control group. In other words, from the result of its hardness, The bread texture added Lycii Fructus concentrate was more soften. The Sensual characteristic of bread added Lycii Fructus concentrate had significant differences in the items concerning the chromaticity, the swelled extent, the uniformity of air space, the flavorless, the softness, the sweetness, the bitter, the preference of bread. In the other hands, this researcher observed its added bread to the naked eye at room temperature(20$\^{C}$). Therefore, there observed with or without yeast in characteristics of stored bread, No yeast had ever been found over whole group for 6 days from the manufactured data. In the 8th days from the stored date, yeast began to be found in the whole group. Into the bargain, this researcher knew that the bread texture added Lycii Fructus concentrate(10%) generated yeast considering it added Lycii Fructus concentrate(10%).
