- J Comp Path v.76 Epidemiological studies on Pateurella hemolytica in sheep Biberstein EL;Thompson DA
- Can J Comp Med v.19 Further observations on shipping fever in Canada Carter GR;Me Sherry BJ
- J Am Vet Med Assoc v.140 Microbiologic investigations of natural epizootics of shipping fiver of cattle Collier JR;Brown WW;Chow TL
- J Am Vet Med Assoc v.152 Pasteurella in bovine respiratory disease Coller JR
- Manual for the identification of medical bacteria(2nd ed.) Cowan ST
- Am J Res v.44 Prevalence of Pasteurella haemolytica in transported calves Frank GH;Smith PC
- Am J Vet Res v.47 Colonization of the nasal passages of calves with Pasteurella haemolytica serotype1 and regeneration of colonization after experimentally induced viral infection of the respiratory tract Frank GH;Briggs RE;Gillette KG
- Vet Med v.43 When Pasteurella haemolytica colonizes the nasal passages of cattle Frank GH
- J Comp Path v.80 Studies of the microbiology and pathology of pneumonic lungs of calves Gourlay RN;Mackenzie A;Cooper JE
- Can J Comp Med v.35 Pasteurella haemolytica in the tracheal air of calves Grey CL;Thomson RG
- Am Vet Res v.22 Study on shipping fever of cattle. Prevalence of Pasteurella species in nasal secretions from normal calves and calves with shipping fever Hoerlein AB;Saxena SP;Mansfield ME
- Chemotherapy v.16 On the standardization of the method for determination of minimum in inhibitory concentration Ishiyama S;Ueda Y;Kuwabars S(et al.)
- J Am Vet Med Assoc v.169 Shipping fever pneumonia in yearling feedlot cattle Jensen R;Pierson RE;Braddy PM(et al.)
- Can Comp Med v.42 Pneumonia in calves produced with aerosols of bovine herpes virus 1 and Pasteurella haemolytica Jericho KWF;Langford EV
- Am J Vet Res v.47 Bovine herpes-1 and Pasteurella hemolytica biology in experimentally infected calves Jericho KWF;Lejeune A;Tiffin GB
- Appl Microbiol v.20 Detailed methodology and implementation of a semiautomated serial dilution microtechnique for antimicrobial susceptibility testing MacLowry JD;Jaqua MJ;Selepak ST
- Jpn J Vet Sci v.44 Serovars and biovars of Pasteurella haemolytica isolated from calves Nakazawa M;Ishino S
- Antibiotics and Chemotherapy v.9 An inocula replicating apparatus for routine testing of bacteral susceptibility to antibiotics Steers E;Foltz EL;Graves BS
- Can J Comp Med v.32 Characterization of Pasteurella haemolytica isolated from the respiratory tract of cattle Wessman GE;Hilker G
- J Am Vet Med Assoc v.181 Respiratory tract immune response to microbial pathogens Wilkie BW
- Can J Comp Med v.46 A review of infectious bovine rhinotrachetitis, shipping fever pneumonia and viral-bacteria synergism in respiratory disease of cattle Yates WDG
- Can Vet J v.25 Intraction between viruses and bacteria in bovine respiratory disease Yates WDG
- Am J Vet Res v.41 Demonstration of an R plasmid in a strain of Pasteurella haemolytica isolated from feedlot cattle Zimmerman ML;Hirsh DC
- 한국가축위생학회지 v.14 no.2 호흡기질병 감염 송아지에서 분리한 Pasteurella haemolytica의 생화학적 특성 및 약제감수성 조광현;박노찬;권헌일;김이준;박덕상