A 3 years-old male Tosa dog was referred to Seoul National University Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital with a history of difficulty in mastication. Clinical signs of dropped jaw, drooling, mild depression and dehydration were observed. According to history taking, physical examination, neurologic examination, complete blood count (CBC), serum chemical profile and radiography, the dog was diagnosed as idiopathic trigeminal nerve paralysis. Electroacupuncture treatment was applied to the dog on local and distal point at an interval of 7 days. Local points were GB-1 (Tong Zi Liao) of gall bladder meridian and ST-7 (Xia Guan) of stomach meridian. Distal points were PC-4 (Xi Men), PC-6 (Nei Guan) of pericardium meridian. Electrical stimulus was performed for 20 minutes at the frequency of 3 Hz, 3 Volts on ST-7. Ten days after the initial electroacupuncture treatment, clinical signs related to trigeminal nerve paralysis were almost disappeared.