고양이에서의 선천성 식도열공허니아 1예

Congenital Esophageal Hiatal Hernia in a Cat

  • 발행 : 2001.03.01


A 1.2 kg, five-month-old, female domestic short-hair cat was referred to Seoul National University Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital with a history of vomiting immediatley after eating. Clinical signs were depression, anorexia, severe dehydration and vomiting since weaning. According to history taking, physical examination, complete blood count, serum chemical profile and contrast radiographic study, it was diagnosed as congenital sliding esophageal hiatal hernia. Diaphragmatic plication, esophagopexy and left-sided belt-loop gastropexy were performed. Ranitidine (2 mg/kg, IV, q12h) and sucralfate suspension (20 mg/kg, PO, q6h) were administered with low-fat liquified diet to treat reflux esophagitis. Clinical signs related to esophageal hiatal hernia disappeared immediately after surgical treatment and did not recur for 4 months.



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