- J Reprod Fert v.53 The role of placental gonadotrophins(PMSG and HCG) in pregnancy in rat Bambra CS;Gombe S
- J Reprod v.42 Pregnancy-terminating effect of human chorionic gonadotrophin in rat Banik UK
- Nature v.221 Luteolytic effect of prostaglandin in the guinea-pig Blatchley FR;Donovan BT
- Endocrinology v.95 Serum estradiol and prolactin concentrations in neonatal female rats treated with human chorionic gonadotrophin(HCG) Cheng HC;Johnson DC
- J Endoer v.47 The effects of estrogen and progesterone in the sodium and potassium concentrations of rat uterine fluid Clemetson CAB;Mallikarjuneswar VR;Moshfeghi MM;Carr JJ;Wilds JH
- Proc Soc Exp Biol v.144 Serum estradion and progesterone concentrations in ovariectomized estrogen- and progesterone- primed and PMS-HCG-treated rats Colombo JA;Hilliard J;Sawyer CH
- J Endoer v.59 The sodium and potassium content of rat uterine luminal fluid Conner EA;Miller JW
Induction of lactogenesis and abortion by prostaglandin
$F_{2a}$ in pregnant rats Deis RP - Contraception v.6 Rat uterine fluid electrolytes and the estrous cycle de JesusTPS;Mallikarjuneswar VR;Clemetson CAB
Potent luteolytic agent related to prostaglandin
$F_{2a}$ Duchs M;Russell W;Walpole AL - Fert Steril v.24 Prostaglandin effects on rat pregnancy. Ⅱ. Interruption of pregnancy Fuchs A-R;Mok E
- Acta Endoer v.76 Luteolytic effects of prostaglandins in rat pregnancy, and reversal by luteinizing hormone Fuchs AR;Mok E;Sundaram K
- Anesthesiology v.65 Reproductive and teratogenic effects of lidocaine in Sprague-Dawley rats Fujinaga M;Mazze RI
- J Reprod Fert v.13 Plasma progesterone concentrations during pregnancy and lactation in the rat Grota LJ;Eik-Nes KB
- Biol Reprod v.1 Antifertility properties of prostaglandin F2 α Gutknecht GD;Cornette JC;Pharriss BB
- Proc Soc Exp Biol Med v.136 The effect of prostaglandin F2 α on overian and plasma progesterone levels in the pregnant hamster Gutknecht GD;Wyngarden LJ;Pharriss BB
- J Endoer v.24 Some chemical constituents of uterine washings. A method of analysis with results from various species Heap RB
- J Endoer v.25 The influence of ovarian hormones on some chemical constitutions of the uterine washing of rats and rabbits Heap RB;Lamming GE
- Am J Physiol v.196 no.1 Potassium and sodium content of uterine and seminal vesicle secretions Howard E;Defeo VJ
- Endocrinology v.90 Acute effect of gonadotrophins on the secretion of progestins by the rat ovary Ichikawa S;Morioka H;Sawada T
J Reprod Fert
Luteolytic and ovulation-inducing properties of prostaglandin
$F_{2a}$ in pregnant mice Labhsetwar AP - Biol Reprod v.10 Temporal relationship between secretary pattrerns of gonadotrophins, estrogens, progestins, and prostaglandin-F in periparturient rats Labhsetwar AP;Watson DJ
- J Endoer v.44 The effect of exogenous gonadotrophins on the conceptus and corpus luteum on pregnant sheep Moor RM;Rowson LEA;Hay MF;Caldwell BW
- Gynecol Obstet Invest v.28 Influence of progesterone on the sodium and potassium concentrations of rat uterine fluid investigated by microdialysis Nordenvall M;Ulmsten U;Ungerstedt
- Nature v.222 Effects of prostaglandins on fertility in female rats Nutting EF;Cammarata PS
- Fert Steril v.23 The effect of prostaglandin TEX>$F_{2a}$ on the corpus luteum of the pregnant rat. An ultrastructural study Okamura H;Yang SL;Wright K;Wallach EW
- Endocrinology v.95 A comparative study of serum progesterone levels in pregnancy and in various type of pseudopregnancy in the rat Pepe GJ;Rothchild I
- Proc Soc Exp Biol Med v.130 The effect of prostaglandin TEX>$F_{2a}$ on the progestin content of ovaries from pseudopregnant rats Pharriss BB;Wyngarden LJ
- J Reprod Fert v.80 Inhibition of egg development and implantation in rats after post-coital administration of the progesterone antagonist RU 486 Psychoyos A;Prapas I
- Endocrinology v.86 Horminal control of gestation in the intact rat Raj HGM;Mougal NR
- Endocrinology v.68 The composition of rat uterine luminal fluid Ringer I
- Acta Endoer v.69 Effect of HCG in plsma progesterone during the luteal phase of the mendtrual cycle and during pregnancy Runnebaum B;Holzmann K;Bierwirth AM;Munstermann V;Zander J
- Biol Reprod v.14 Lutetlytic effects of a prostaglandin analogue, cloprostenol(ICI 80,996), in rats ; ultrastructural and biochemical observations Salazar H;Furr BJA;Smith GK;Bentley M;Gonzalez-Angulo A
- Endocrinology v.78 Luteolytic effect of LH and HCG on the corpora lutea of pregnant rabbits Spies HG;Con LL;Gier HT
- Am J Vet Res v.40 no.6 Role of pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin in luteal function of pregnant mares Squires EL;Stevens WB;Pickett BW;Nett TM
- Endocrinology v.75 Effect of gonadotrophins on the corpora lutea of pseudopregnant rabbits Stormshak F;Casida LE
- Biol Reprod v.25 In vivo and vitro ovarian striodogenesis in the pregnant rat Taya K;Greenwald GS
- J Reprod Fert v.50 The effect of continuous treatment with prostaglandin TEX>$PGF_{2a}$ on estrous cycle length and corpus luteum regression in hysterectomized guinea-pigs Tso EC-F;Tam WH
- J Endoer v.65 Plasma hormones and pituitary luteinizing hormone in the rat during the early stages of pregnancy and after post-coital treatment with Tamoxifen(ICI 46474) Watson J;Anerson FB;Alam M;O'Grady JE;Heald PJ
- Endocrinology v.82 Progesterone catabolism in the rat ovary : A regulatory mechanism for progestational potency during pregnancy Wiest WG;Kidwell WR;Balough K
- J Endoer v.60 Changes in plasma levels of estradiol, progesterone and luteinizing hormone in immature rats treated with pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin Wilson CA;Horth CE;Endersby CA;McDonald PG
- J Endoer v.99 Hormonal changes in the immature rat after administration of pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin : influence of body weight Willson CA;Ter Haar MB;Bonney C;Buckingnam J;Dixon AF;Yeo T
- Endocrinology v.83 Interruption of pregnancy in the rat and hamster by administration of PMS or HCG Yang WH;Chang MC
- Biol Reprod v.1 Prolonged gestation in the PMSG-treated immature rat Zarrow MX;Clark JH;Roellig C;Denenberg VH
- 한국수의공중보건학회지 v.18 no.3 임신rat에 밍마혈청성성선 자극호르몬을 투여했을 때 기형발생 또는 태아흡수에 미치는 영향 김영홍;장인호;유창준;이근우
- 한국수의공중보건학회지 v.21 no.4 임신랫드에 투여한 PMSG가 혈장과 자궁액의 Estrogen과 Progesterone 및 Na와 K농도에 미치는 영향 김영홍