Effects of PMSG and Prostaglandin $F_2$ on the Reproduction, Concentration of Plasma Progesterone and Na and K Contents of the Plasma and Uterine Fluid in Pregnant Rat

PMSG와 $PGF_{2{\Alpha}}$ 투여가 임신랫드의 생식과 혈장 progesterone 및 혈장과 자궁액의 Na와 K 농도에 미치는 영향

  • Published : 2001.03.01


The effects of PMSG and/or prostaglandin analogue, cloprostenol, on the prevention of implantation, termination of pregnancy, concentration of plasma progesterone, and Na and K contents of the plasma and uterine fluid were studied in pregnant rats. PMSG 50 or 100 IU concomitant with cloprostenol 90 or 180 mg were administered once on day 3 or 9 of gestation. Rats were autopsied on days 8, 10 or 21 gestation. A single administration of PMSG resulted in increasing the number of corpora lutea, preventing implantation and terminating pregnancy. A single administration of cloprostenol had no effect on the prevention of implantation and termination of pregnancy but was able to induce the termination of pregnancy administering at large doses on day 9. A single administration of PMSG concomitant with cloprostenol ws found to be very increased the number of corpora lutea and to be 100% effective in preventing implantation and to be nearly 100% effective in terminating pregnancy. It is uncommon that a single dose of PMSG 50 IU concomitant with cloprostenol 90 or 180 mg on day 9 was able to maintain the pregnancy at very low rates of 0.3∼5.3%. Concentration of plasma progesterone and Na and K contents of the plasma and uterine fluid were increased or decreased administering PMSG and/or cloprostenol, but had no effect on preventing implantation and terminating pregnancy.



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