- Asian-Australasian J Anim Sci v.10 Apparent digestibility of amino acids, energy and proximate nutrients in grain sources and tapioca for young pigs Cho SB;Kim JH;Yang JS;Moon HK;Chae BJ;Han IK
- Biotechnology in Feed Industry(1st ed) Pig Production: managing maximum feed efficiency with minimum pollution Cole DJA
- J Anim Sci v.71 Efficacy of phytase in improving the bioavailibility of phosphorous in soybean meal and corn-soybean meal diets for pigs Cromwel GL;Stahly TS;Coffey RD;Monegue HJ;Randolph JH
- J Anim Sci v.71 Efficacy of phytase in improving the bioavailability of phosphorous in soybean meal and corn-soybean meal diets for pigs Cromwell GL;Stahly TS;Coffey RD;Monegue HJ;Randolph JH
- J Bio Chem v.68 The colorimetric determination of phosphorus Fiske CH;Subbarow YP
- Inositol Phosphate(2th ed) phytate Irving GCJ
- Brit J Nutr v.70 Phosphorus studies in pigs. 3. Effect of phytase supplementation on the digestibility and availability of phosphorus in soya-bean meal for grower pigs Ketaren PP;Batterham ES;Dettmann EB;Farrell DJ
- FEMS Microbiol Lett v.162 Cloning of the thermostable phytase gene (phy) from Bacillus sp. DS11 and its overexpression in Escherichia Kim YO;Lee JK;Kim HK;Yu JH;OhTK
- J Anim Sci v.71 Supplementing corn-soybean meal diets with microbial phytase linearly improves phytate phosphorus utilization by weanling pigs Lei XG;Ku PK;Miller ER;Yokoyama MT
- J Anim Sci v.72 Apparent digestibility and retention of nutrients bound to phytate complexes as influentced by microbial phytase and feeding regimen in pig Morz Z;Jongbloed AW;Kemme PA
- J Agri Sci Finl v.62 Microbial phytase supplementation for improving availability of plant phosphorus in the dite of the growing pigs Nasi M
- Biotechnology in Feed Industry(1st ed) Pig and poultry: waste management and pollution control Pettigrew JE
- Advances in food Research v.28 Phytates in legumens and cereals Reddy NR;Sathe SK;Salunkhe DK
- J Anim Sci v.71 Addition of microbial phytase to diets of young pigs Young LG;Leunissen M;Atkinson JL
- 서울대학교 대학원 박사학위논문 Phytase가 단의가축의 성장능력 및 인의 이용성에 미치는 영향 권 관
- 한국축산학회지 v.40 미생물 phytase의 첨가 육성돈과 비육돈의 성장에 미치는 효과 권관;권찬호;정흥우;유문일;손광수;현영;박승춘
- 한국수의공중보건학회지 v.23 Bacillus amyloliquefaciens DS11 phytase의 욱계 위장관에서 인농도에 미치는 효과 장범수;윤효인;박승춘;김민규;최양웅;오태광