Input Constrained Receding Horizon Control with Nonzero Set Points and Model Uncertainties

  • Lee, Young-Il (Dept. of Control and Instrumentation, Seoul National University of Technology)
  • 발행 : 2001.09.01


An input constrained receding horizon predictive control algorithm for uncertain systems with nonzero set points is proposed. for constant nonzero set points, models with uncertainty can be converted into an augmented incremental system through the use of integrators and the problem is transformed into a zero-state regulation problem for the incremental system. But the original constraints on inputs are converted into constraints on the sum of control inputs at each time instants, which have not been dealt in earlier constrained robust receding horizon control problems. Recursive state bounding technique and worst case minimizing strategy developed in earlier works are applied to the augmented incremental system to yield an offset error free controller. The resulting algorithm is formulated so that it can be solved using LP.



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