건설을 위한 복합재료-설계된 구조물을 사용한 건설의 필요성-

  • 김덕현 (정회원. KOREA COMPOSITES,대표) ;
  • 한봉구 (정회원, 서울산업대학교 구조공학과)
  • 발행 : 2001.12.01




  1. E & FNSPON Composite Structures for Civil and Architectural Engineering Kim, D. H.
  2. 대한토목학회지 v.21 no.2 토공공학의 정의와 분야 김덕현
  3. 강원대학교 산업기술연구소 논문집(7집) 문화사적으로 고찰한 공학과 미래지향적인 공학 교육 김덕현
  4. 대한토목학회 제36회 정기총회 특별강연 토목구조물을 위한 신소재의 응용 김덕현
  5. 한국도로공사 초청강의 도로구조물에 대한 첨단 신소재의 응용 김덕현
  6. 한국전산구조공학회, 1991년도 가을 학술 발표회 특별강연 Design of Composite Material Structures 김덕현
  7. Proc. of the Fourth Materials Engineering Conference Materials for the New Millennium Chong, K. P.(ed.)
  8. Plenary Lecture at The Third International Symposium on TEXTILE Composites In Building Construction Composite Materials for Repair and Rehabilitation of Buildings and Infrastructures Kim, D. H.
  9. 7th International Conference on Composite Materials Geometric Nonlinear Analysis of Underground Laminated Composite Pipes Kim, D. H.
  10. First International Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering Symposium(JISSE 1) A Simplified Method of Vibration Analysis of lrregularly Shaped Composite Structural Elements Kim, D. H.
  11. 1990 Structures Congress Vibration Analysis of Irregularly Shaped Composite Structural Members Kim, D. H.
  12. ICCM 8 Vibration Analysis of Irregularly Shaped Laminated Thick Composite Plates Kim, D. H.
  13. Invited Lecture, EHM/BCS/NSF Research Grantee Workshop Composite Structures in Civil and Architechural Engineering Kim, D. H.
  14. US-Korea-Japan Trilateral Seminar on Frontier R & D for Constructed Composite Materials for Civil Structures Kim, D. H.
  15. Invited Speach, China-Japan-USA Trilateral Symposium/Workshop on Earthquake Engineering Design of Composite Material Structures Kim, D. H.
  16. Seminar Lecture Design of Composite Material Structures for Civil Construction Kim, D. H.
  17. Proc. of the Second International Symposium on Textile Composites in Building Construction A Simple Method of Obtaining 'Exact' Values of the Natural Frequencies of Vibration for Some Composite laminated Structures for Civil Construction Kim, D. H.
  18. Proc. of International Conference on Education Practice and Promotion of Computational Method in Engineering Using Small Computers The Influence of Anisotropy on Buckling Strength of Laminated Composite Structures for Civil Construction Kim, D. H.
  19. Proc. of Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures A Simple Method of Obtaining 'EXACT' Values of the Buckling Strength for Some Laminated Structures for Civil Construction Kim, D. H.
  20. International Conference on Computational Engineering Science Simple Method of Analysis for Preliminary Design of the Composite Laminated Primary Structures for Civil Construction Kim, D. H.
  21. 종합기술공사 특별강연 21세기의 건설재료 및 구조개념 김덕현
  22. Advanced Composites 93 A Simple Method of Obtaining 'EXACT' Values of the Natrual Frequencies for Some Composite Laminated Structures for Civil Construction Kim, D. H.
  23. The First Wilson Forum on Existing and Potential Applications of Composite Materials in the Infrastructure Composites in Construction-Considerations for Design Kim, D. H.
  24. Proc. of Advances in Materials and Processing Technology-93(AMPT-93) Simple Method of Analysis for Preliminary Design of Certain Composite Laminated Primary Structures for Civil Construction-Ⅱ Kim, D. H.
  25. 3rd Japan International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition Simple Method of Analysis for Preliminary Design of the Composite Laminated Primary Structures for Civil Construction Kim, D. H.
  26. 汎 71 21世紀를 指向한 美 經濟 建의 戰略 김덕현
  27. 대한토목학회지 v.41 no.5 21세기의 건설재료 및 구조개념 김덕현
  28. The Second Annual Wilson Froum : Existing & Potential Applications of Composite Materials in the Infrastructure Cement Problems - Applications of Composite Materials for the Infrastructure Kim, D. H.
  29. 생산기술 v.6 no.6 Composite 프로젝트에 대한 사업성 김덕현
  30. The Third Asian Pacific Conference on Computational Mechanics Proposed R/D Direction of Advanced Composite Materials Application for Civil Construction Kim, D. H.
  31. American Society of Civil Engineers Vibration Analysis of Special Orthotropic Plate with Variable Cross-Section, and with a Pair of Opposite Edges Simple Supported and the Other Pair of Opposite Edges Free Kim, D. H.
  32. The Wilson Forum on Existing & Potential Application of Composite Materials in the Infrastructure Preprints
  33. 서울大學校 應用力學硏究會 Theory of Non-Prismatic Folded Plate Structures 김덕현
  34. 16th Congress of Applied Mechanics Analysis of Triangularly Folded Plate Roofs of Umbrella Type Kim, D. H.
  35. International Symposium on Space Technology and Sciences The Effect of Neglecting the Radial Moment Terms in Analysis a Finite Sectorial Plate by Means of Finite Differences Kim, D. H.
  36. Seminar Lecture A Simple Method of 'Exact' Analysis of Some Composite Laminated Structures for Civil Construction Kim, D. H.
  37. 3rd Japan International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition Influence of Angle Orientation and Plate Aspect Ratio on the Critical Buckling Load of [ABBCAAB]r Type Laminates Kim, D. H.
  38. Journal of Materials Processing Technology v.55 A Simple method of analysis for the preliminary design of particular composite laminated primary structures for civil construction Kim, D. H.
  39. Proc. of Korea-Japan Joint Seminar on Structural Optimization Optimization of Composite Material Structures - The State of the Art Kim, D. H.
  40. Proc. of Advances in Materials and Processing Technology-93(AMPT-93) The Importance of Concept Optimization of Composite Structures Kim, D. H.
  41. 3rd Pacific Rim Forum on Advanced Composites The Importance of Concept Optimization Kim, D. H.
  42. Think Composites Composite Design Tsai, SW.
  43. Invited Lecture, International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Symposium on Size-Scale Effects in the Failure Mechanisms of Materials and Structures Size/Scale Effect in the Failure of Brittle Mater ials and Composite Structure Chong, K. P.;Kim, D. H.
  44. 한국 복합재료 학회 Size-Scale Effects in the Failure of Composite Structures 김덕현
  45. Proc. of International symposium on Public Infrastructure Systems Research The Importance of Concept Optimization in Design And Scale/Size Effects In the Failure of Composite Structures Kim, D. H.
  46. EUROMECH 334 Importance of Concept Optimization in Design and Size/Scale Effects in The Failure of Composite Structures Kim, D. H.
  47. The Wilson Forum on Existing & Potential Application of Composite Materials in the Infrastructure The Importance of Concept Optimization in Design and Scale/Size Effects in the Failure of Composite Structures Kim, D. H.
  48. The Third International Symposium on TEXTILE Composites In Building Construction The Importance of Concept Optimization in Design and Scale/Size Effects in the Failure of Composite Structures Kim, D. H.
  49. 섬유기술과 산업 v.1 no.1 토목건축공학을 위한 섬유복합재료
  50. 대한토목학회지 v.45 no.4 건물과 사회간접시설의 보수와 재건을 위한 복합재료
  51. 기계저널 v.39 no.2 건설분야에서의 복합재료 응용
  52. 고분자 과학과 기술 v.10 no.1 21세기의 복합재료의 신전개방향
  53. 한국복합재료학회 1998년도 정기총회 특별강연 건설산업에서의 복합재료의 응용
  54. 강원대학교 초청강연 새로운 1000년의 건설재료
  55. 서울 산업대학교 초청강연 새로운 1000년의 건설재료
  56. 전남대학교 초청강연 새로운 1000년의 건설재료
  57. Proc. of Summer Workshop, Korea Society for Composite Materials Proposed R/D Direction of Advanced Composite Materials Application for Civil Construction Duk-Hyun Kim
  58. Analysis of Triangularly Folded Plate Roofs of Umbrella Type, Thesis Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Theory of Nonprismatic Folded Plate Structures Duk-Hyun Kim
  59. Trans.Korea Military Academy(ed.Lee.S.H.) Theory of Non-prismatic Folded Plate Structures Duk-Hyun Kim
  60. Proc. Spring Conference, The Korea Society for Composite Materials Analysis of Three Dimensional Structures by Folded Plate Theory Duk-Hyun Kim;et al.
  61. Proc. Spring Conference, The Korea Society for Composite Materials Analysis of Folded Plate Structures Composed of [45/-45/-45/90/45/45/-45] Type Laminated Composite Plates Duk-Hyun Kim;et al.
  62. Proc. 38th SAMPE Symposium The Influence of Specimem Volume on Matrix Dominated Composite Strength A.S. Crasto;R.Y. Kim
  63. Proc. 4th Japan International SAMPE Symposium The Importance of Size/Scale Effect in the Failure of Composite Structure Duk-Hyun Kim;et al.
  64. International J. of Mechanical Engineering Education v.15 no.4 A Simple and Accurate Method for Calculating the Fundamental Natural Frequencies of Beams with Attached Masses A. J. Pretlove
  65. Proceedings, International Symposium on Engineering Problems in Creating Coastal Industrial Sites A Method of Vibration Analysis of Irregularly Shaped Structuralmembers Duk-Hyun Kim
  66. Proc.EASEC-V The Effect of Neglecting Own Weight on the Natural Frequency of Vibration of Laminated Composite Plates with Attached Mass/Masses Duk-Hyun Kim
  67. Proc. Korea Society of Civil Engineers v.13 no.4 Matrix Analysis of multiple Shells Duk-Hyun Kim
  68. Proc. The 2nd Korea Japan Joint Symposium on Composite Materials Composites in Construction-Construction with Designed Structures Duk-Hyun Kim;Bong-Koo Han
  69. Proc. The 2nd Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Composite Materials Composites in Construction-Construction with Designed Structures Duk-Hyun Kim;Bong-Koo Han