Enhanced In-situ Mobilization and Biodegradation of Phenanthrens from Soil by a Solvent/Surfactant System

  • Kim, Eun-Ki (Department of Biological Engineering, Biotechnology Institute, Inha University) ;
  • Ahn, Ik-Sung (School of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Yonsei University) ;
  • L.W.Lion (School of Chemical Engineering, Cornell University) ;
  • M.L.Shuler (Environmental Engineering, College University)
  • 발행 : 2001.08.01


The mobilization and biodegradation of phenanthrene in soil was enhanced by using paraffin oil, which was stabilized by the addition of a surfactant (Brji 30). The ratio of paraffin oil/Brij 30 was determined by measuring the change in the critical micelle concentration. When only surfactant was used, the stabilized paraffin oil emulsion could dissolve more phenanthrene in the water phase. Column experiment showed increased phenanthrene mobilization from the contaminated soil. The phenanthrene mobilized in the paraffine oil/Brij 30 emulsion was biodegraded faster than that in water phase or surfactant solution. This result indicates that a paraffin oil/surfactant system can be effectively used for the removal of PAH from contaminated soil.



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