Optical Resolution of DL-Pipecolic Acid by Fermentation Using Pseudomonas sp. PA09

  • Kim, Chan-Soo (Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Korea University) ;
  • Lee, Il-Seok (Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Korea University) ;
  • Chung, Nam-Hyun (Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Korea University) ;
  • Bang, Won-Gi (Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Korea University)
  • 발행 : 2001.04.01


Pseudomonas sp. PA09 was isolated from farm soil and used for the optical resolution of D-pipecolic acid from DL-popecolic acid. The strain PA09 consumed L-pipecolic acid preferentially as the sole carbon and energy source, thus accumulating D-pipecolic acid in the culture broth. Optimization to improve the enantiomeric excess and yield was performed. The time course experiment showed that the strain OP09 consumed L-pipecolic acid almost to completion after 35h of cultivation, and the enantiomeric excess and the yield (% of residual D-pipecolic acid) were 99.8 and 96.0%, respectively.



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