Guiding Requirement Formulation Using Scenarios : Grammar-based Convergent Approach

  • Gyeung-min Kim (School of Business Administration, Ewha Womans University, Seoul Korea)
  • 발행 : 2001.03.01


Participatory Design (PD) community recognized that identification of use case scenarios describing possible uses of the future system is beneficial for users to identify their system requirements. However, brainstorming is a typical methodology for users to create use case scenarios during PD session, which heavily depend on the people skill and experiences of the analysts. The objective of this study is to develop a theoretical framework for automatic generation of requirement scenarios. Automatically generated scenarios serves as a menu of the possible user requirements from which user group can start to generate ideas about their requirements. The convergent approach taken here is novel in that the generated scenarios describe system requirements as well as the business process requirements in which the system operates. A context-sensitive grammar is used to generate the context relevant requirement scenarios.
