Bifidobacterium을 이용한 유전자 발현 시스템의 개발과 이용 가능성

  • 박명수 (서울대학교 농업생명과학대학 농업개발연구소) ;
  • 지근억 (서울대학교 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 2001.03.01




  1. Microbiology v.142 A convenient and reproducible method to genetically transform bacteria of the genus Bifidobacterium Argnani A.;Leer R.J.;van Luijk N.;Pouwels P.H.
  2. Appl Environ Microbiol v.59 Adhesion of human bifidobacterial strains to cultured human intestinal epithelial cells and inhibition of enteropathogen-cell interactions Bernet MF;Brasart D.;Neeser JR;Servin AL
  3. FEMS Microbiol Lett v.44 Transformation of Lactobacillus casei by electroporation Chassy B.M.;Flickinger J.L.
  4. Appl.Environ.Microbiol. v.55 plasmid transformation by electroporation of Leuconostroc paramesenteroides and its use in molecular cloning David S.;Simons G.;de Vos W.M.
  5. Lett Appl Microbiol v.27 Autoaggregation and abhesion ability in a Bifidobacterium suis strain Del Re B;Busetto A;Vignola G;Sgorgati B;Palenzona DL
  6. Lett Appl Microbiol. v.31 Adhesion,autoaggregation and hydrophobicity of 13 strains of Bifidobacterium longum Del Re B;Sgorbati B;Miglioli M;Palenzona D.
  7. Streptococcal Genetics Gene transfer systems in Lactic streptococci Harlander S.;J.J.Ferretti;R.C.Curtiss(eds.)
  8. Lett.Appl.Microbiol. v.9 The presence of plasmid in Bifidobacterium breve Iwata M.;T.Morishita
  9. J Appl Microbiol v.89 Purification of amylase secreted from Bifidobacterium adolescents Lee SK;Kim YB;Ji GE
  10. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem v.60 Cloning and nucleotide sequence of the β-D-glucosidase gene form Bifidobacterium breve clb,and expression of β-D-glucosidase activity in Escherichia coli Nunoura N;Ohdan K;Tanaka K;Tamaki H;Yano T;Inui M;Yukawa H;Yamamoto k;Kumagai H
  11. FEMS microbiol.lett. v.174 Molecular characterization of a 5.75-kb cryptic plasmid from Bifidobacterium breve NCFB2258 and determination of mode of replication O'Riordain K.;fitzgerald G.F.
  12. Microbiology v.154 Sequencing analysis of the plasmid pKJ50 from Bifidobacterium longum Park M.S.;Shin D.W.;Lee K.H.;Ji G.E.
  13. J.Microbiol.Biotechnol. v.10 Characterization of plasmid pKJ36 from Bifidobacterium longm and construciton of E. coli-Bificobacterium shuttle vector Park M.S.;Shin D.W.;Lee K.H.;Ji G.E.
  14. Res.Microbiol v.147 Characterization of the plasmid pMB1 from Bifidobacterium longum and its use for shuttle vectro construction Rossi M.;Brigidi P.;Rodiriguez A.G.V.;Matteuzzi D.
  15. Letters in Applied Microbiology v.28 Improved cloning vectros for Bifidobacterium spp. Rossi M.;Brigidi P.;Matteuzzi D.
  16. Arch Microbiol v.174 no.1-2 Nucleotide sequence, expression and transcriptional analysis of the Bifidobacterium longum MB 219 lacZ gene Rossi M.Altomare L;Gonzlaez Vara y Rodriguez A Brigidi P;Matteuzzi D.
  17. FEMS Microbiol Lett. v.191 Molecular differentiation of Bifidobacterium species with amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis and alignment of short regions of the Idh gene Roy D.;Sirois S.
  18. Mikrobiologia v.69 Production of proteinases associated with Bifidobacterium adolescentis 94-BIM cell wall Samartsev AA;Astapovich NI;Novik GI
  19. Journal of General Microbiology v.128 plasmids in the genus Bifidoabacterium Sgorbati B.;Scardovi V.;Leblanc D.J.
  20. Appl Environ Microbiol v.66 Bile salt hydrolase of Bifidobacterium longum-biochemical and genetic characterization Tanaka H.;Hashiba H.;Kok J.;Mierau I.
  21. J Appl Bacteriol v.62 Surface properties of lactobacilli isolated from the small intestine of pigs Wadstrom T;Andersson K;Sydow M;Axelsson L;Lindgren S;Gullmar B.
  22. Cancer Gene Ther. v.7 Bifidobacterium longum as a delivery system for cancer gene therapy:selective localization and growth n hypoxic tumors Yazawa K;Fujimori M;Amano J;Kano Y;Taniguchi S.
  23. 석사학위논문 Development of foreign-gene expression system for Bifidobacterium longum GEI 강윤희
  24. 석사학위논문 Molecular cloning and expression of a α-glucosidase gene from Bifidobacterium longum ATCC 15707 in Escherichia coli 이선영