• 발행 : 2001.09.01


A Gaussian smoothing algorithm obtained from a cascade of convolutions with a seven-point kernel is described. We prove that the change of local sums after applying our algorithm to sinusoidal signals is reduced to about two thirds of the change by the binomial coefficients. Hence, our seven point kernel is better than the binomial coefficients when trend curves are needed to be generated. We also prove that if our Gaussian convolution is applied to sinusoidal functions, the amplitude of higher frequencies reduces faster than the lower frequencies and hence that it is a low pass filter.



  1. Computers and Artificial Intelligence v.11 no.4 Gaussian smoothing by optimal iterated uniform convolutions R.Andonie;E.Carai
  2. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing v.21 Fast algorithms for estimating local image properties P.J.Burt
  3. IEEE Transtions on pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence v.PAMI-8 no.2 Efficient synthesis of Gaussian filters by cascaded uniform filters W.M.Wells
  4. Pattern Recognition, 4th Int. Conf. Proc. Some notes on repeated averaging smoothing L.D.Cai
  5. Pattern Recognition Letters v.17 Automatic determination of the spread parameter in Gaussian smoothing H.C.Lin;L.L.Wang;S.N.Wang
  6. IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence v.PAMI-8 no.1 Scale-based description and recognition of planar curves and two-dimensional shapes F.Mokhtarian;A.Mackworth
  7. Fuzzy Sets and systems v.96 A curve smoothing method by using fuzzy sets B.S.Moon
  8. An Introduction to Applied Probability Richard A. Roberts
  9. An Introduction to Wavelets Charles K. Chui
  10. The 4th Int. FLINS conf. on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing in Nuc. Sci. and Eng. Fuzzy Systems to Process ECG and EEG Signals for Quantification of the Mental Workload B.S.Moon(et al.)