A Study on the Globaization Starategy of Korean Textile Design

  • Lee, Eun-Oak (Dept. of Textile Design Duksung Women′s University)
  • 발행 : 2001.03.01


This study discuses the strategies for the reestabisgment of Korean textile industry by emphasizing the area of textile design which plays an important role in developing textile materials. The textile industry in Korea has been in stagnancy for a long period of time and appears to find no answer to the problem. The big part of the problem is that the industry itself does not realize the importance of textile design and its management does not understand its critical role in contributing the growth of the industry. To develop textile design, first, we need to foster textile designers who have the creativity, an understanding of international trend and a mind f management. This can be achieved through an education system with a close tie to the textile industry. Second, we need to globalize our textile design in three aspects : design, technology and marketing. A balanced and harmonized progression of these three aspects will guarantee a successful globalization of textile design. This progression, however, demands creativity, identity, and interaction on the design side, digital and networking on the technology side, and culture marketing, brand value, and global agent networking on the marketing side.
