- Site remediation technology: Stabilization / Solidification Anderson, W. C.;P. E. Dee
- J. Haz. Mat. v.40 Soil washing technology and practice Griffiths, R. A.
- Environ. Tehcnol. Letters v.11 Removing heavymetals from contaminated clay soils by extraction with hydrochloric acid, EDTA or hydrochlirite solutions Tuin, B. J.;M. Tels
- Environ. Technol. Letters v.11 Extraction kinetics of six heavy metals from contaminated clay soils Tuin, B. J. W.;M. Tels
- Envir. Engineer. Science v.14 Comparison of solvents for ex situ removal of chromium and lead from contaminated soil Pichtel, J.;T. M. Pichtel
- Water, air and soil pollution v.113 Remediation of lead contaminated soil by EDTA. I. Batch and column studies Heil, D. M.;Z. Samani;A. T. Hanson;B. Rudd
- Water Sci. Technol. v.37 Surfactant enhanced remediation of cadmium contaminated soil Doong, R.;Y. Wu;W. Lei
- Envirn. Sci. Technol. v.32 Leaching of Cd and Pb from a polluted soil during the percolation of EDTA: Laboratory column experiments modeled with a non-equilibrium solubilization step Kedziorek, M. A.;A. Dupuy;A. C. Bourg;F. Compere
- Envir. Progress v.11 Adsorption / desorption characteristics of lead on various types of soil Peters, R. W.;L. Shem
- Environ. Sci. Technol. v.29 Source attribution of elevated residential soil lead near a battery recycling site Small, M.;A. B. Nunn;B. Forslund;D. Dally
- J. Envir. Engrg. no.7월 Ex-situ remediation of a metal contaminated superfund soil using selective extractants Steele, M. C.;J. Pichtel
- J. Haz. Mat. v.41 Chelating extraction of lead and copper from an authentic contaminated soil using N-(2-acetamido) iminodiacetic acid and S-carboxymethyl-L-cysteine Chen T. C.;E. Macauley;A. Hong
- Water, air, and soil pollution v.86 Chelating extraction and recovery of cadmium from soil using pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid A. Hong;T. C. Chen
- Canad. Agricult. Engineer v.40 Organic acids to remediate a clay loam polluted by heavy metals Wasay, S. A.;Barrington, S. F.;S. Tokunga
- Clays clay Mineral. v.44 Influence of citric acid and glycine on the adsorption of mercury(II) by kaolinite under various pH conditions Singh, J.;P. M. Huang;U. T. Hammer;W. K. Liaw
- 대한환경공학회 '98 추계학술대회논문초록집 Citric acid 세척법에 의한 중금속 오염 토양의 정화 이동호;최형섭;김균;김영희;허종수;이근선;전상수
- 대한환경공학회 '98 추계학술대회논문초록집 In-situ flushing을 위한 오염토양내 중금속의 제거에 관한 연구 이용호;강순기;공성호
- 오염 토양복원 기술 국제 세미나 한국토양환경학회
- J. Korean Environ. Sci. Soc. v.9 Ex-situ Remediation of a Contaminated Soil of the Abandoned Mine using Organic Acid Extractants Jeong E. D.;W. K. Shin;U-H. Paek
- J. Korean Environ. Sci. Soc. The Pb-contaminated Soil Remediation by Organic Acid Washing Jeong E. D.;S. W. Kang;D. S. Park;H. G. Shin;U-H. Paek
- 토양측정망운영지침 환경처
- 환경부, 제1단계 2차년도 연차보고서 오염토양/지하수 정화기술 개발 환경부