세라믹 담체를 이용한 안료폐수의 호기성처리

Aerobic Treatment of Pigment Wastewater using Ceramic Support Carrier

  • 박영식 (서봉리사이클링(주)) ;
  • 안갑환 (부산가톨릭대학교 산업환경시스템학부)
  • 발행 : 2001.08.01


Wastewater from the pigment industry has high levels of organics and is known as hardly biodegradable. The objective of this study is to evaluate the applicability of aerobic fixed-bed boifilm reactor packed with ceramic support carrier for the pigment wastewater treatment. Orange 2(widely used azo pigment) adsorption experiment onto biofilm and activated sludge, and continuous treatment experiments were performed. In batch adsorption experiment, maximum adsorption quantity of biofilm was at least two times higher than that of activated sludge. In continuous experiment using aerobic fixed-bed biodilm reactor, the influent concentration of COD and Orange 2 were 75~500mg/${\ell}$(0.45~3.00kg COD/$m^3.day), 5~50mg/$\ell$(0.03~0.30kg Orange 2/$m^3$.day), respectively. At a COD loading rate 2.5kg COD/$m^3$.day and Orange 2 loading rate of 0.18kg Orange 2/$m^3$.day, removal efficiency of COD and Orange 2 were over 95%, 97%, respectively.



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