Influence Analysis in Selecting Discriminant Variables

  • Jung, Kang-Mo (Department of Informatics and Statistics, Kunsan National University) ;
  • Kim, Myung-Geun (Department of Applied Statistics, Seowon University)
  • Published : 2001.09.01


We investigate the influence of observations on a test of additional information about discrimination using the influence function and the derivative influence measures. the influence function for the test statistic is derived and this sample versions are used for influence analysis. The derivative influence measures for the test statistic under a perturbation scheme are derived. It will be seen that the influence function method and the derivative influence measures yield the same result. Furthermore, we will derive the relationships between the influence function and the derivative influence measures when the sample size is large. an illustrative example is given and we will compare the results provided by the influence function method and the derivative influence measures.



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