Restricted Bayesian Optimal Designs in Turning Point Problem

  • Seo, Han-Son (Department of Applied Statistics, Konkuk University)
  • 발행 : 2001.03.01


We consider the experimental design problem of selecting values of design variables x for observation of a response y that depends on x and on model parameters $\theta$. The form of the dependence may be quite general, including all linear and nonlinear modeling situations. The goal of the design selection is to efficiently estimate functions of $\theta$. Three new criteria for selecting design points x are presented. The criteria generalized the usual Bayesian optimal design criteria to situations n which the prior distribution for $\theta$ amy be uncertain. We assume that there are several possible prior distributions,. The new criteria are applied to the nonlinear problem of designing to estimate the turning point of a quadratic equation. We give both analytic and computational results illustrating the robustness of the optimal designs based on the new criteria.



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