- Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A v.149 Statistical modeling issues in school effectiveness studies Aitkin,M.;Longford,N.
- Biometrika v.84 Surprising effects of measurement error on an aggregate data estimator Carrol,R.J.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.74 Robust locally weighted regression and smoothing scatterplots Cleveland,W.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.87 Design-adaptive nonparametric regression Fan,J.
- Local polynomial modelling and its application Fan,J.;Gijbels,I.
- Journal of Computational Graphical Statistics v.3 Fast implementations of nonparametric curve estimators Fan,J.;Marron,J.S.
- Biometrika v.5 A note on design transformation and binning in nonparametric curve estimation Hall,P.;Park,B.U.;Turlach,B.A.
- Statistical Science v.6 Comment on Choosing a kernel regression estimator Hardle,W.;Grund,B.;C.K.Chu(ed.);J.S.Marron(ed.)
- Computational Statistics v.7 Smoothing by weighted averaging of rounded points Hardle,W.;Scott,D.W.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.82 Weighted local regression and kernel methods for nonparametric curve fitting Muller,H.G.
- Biometrika v.82 Aggregate data studies of disease risk factors Prentice,R.L.;Sheppard,L.
- The Annals of Statistics v.5 Consistent nonparametric regression Stone,C.J.
- Kernel smoothing Wand,M.P.;Jones,M.C.