인터넷과 사회변동 : 다섯 가지 사회학적 핵심 문제

  • 발행 : 2001.09.01




  1. 한국사회학 v.35 no.3 인터넷 사이트간의 관계구조와 생태구조 한준;박찬웅
  2. 전자상거래 통계조사결과(2001년 5월 사이버 쇼핑몰) 통계청
  3. 정보통신정책 no.6월 미국 인터넷 쇼핑 이용자의 구매 패턴 현황 및 전망 박세웅
  4. 인터넷 이용자수 및 이용행태에 관한 설문조사 결과 보고서 한국인터넷정보센터
  5. Digital Identity in Cyberspace Abelson, Hal;Lawrence Lessig
  6. Frictionless Commerce? A Comparison of Internet and Conventional Retailers Brynjolfsson, Erik;Michael Smith
  7. The Rise of the Network Society Castells, Mannuel
  8. Economica no.November The Nature of the Firm Coase, Ronald
  9. Trust: Making and Breaking Cooperative Relations Trust as a Commodity Dasgupta, Partha;Diego Gambetta(ed.)
  10. Communities in Cyberspace Communities in Cyberspace Kollock, Peter;M. Smith;M. Smith(ed.);P. Kollock(ed.)
  11. Networks and Organizations: Structure, Form, and Action Small-Firm Networks Perrow, Charles;Nitin Nobria(ed.);Robert C. Eccles(ed.)
  12. American Journal of Sociology v.98 A Status-Based Model of Market Competion Podolny. Joel M.
  13. Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet Turkle, S.
  14. Who Am We? Turkie, Sherry
  15. MIT Sloan School of Management Working Paper #4035-98 Trust-based Marketing on the Internet Urban, Glen L.;Fareena Sultan;William Qualls
  16. Communities in Cyberspace Virtual Communities as Communities: Net Suffers don't ride alone Wellman, Barry;M. Gulia;M. Smith;P. Kollock(ed.)