IC 카드를 이용한 생체인식 기술 개발 동향

  • 발행 : 2001.07.01




  1. Biometrics-Personal Identification in Networked Society A. K. Jain;R. Bolle;S. Pankanti
  2. The Biometric Consortium
  3. Survey: Biometrics and smart cards J. Adams
  4. IEEE Computer Biometrics: a new era in security G. Lawton
  5. IEEE IT Pro A pratical guide to biometric security technology S. Liu;M. Silverman
  6. Proc. IFIP Conference E-commerce E-business E-government A performance analysis for integrating fingerprints into smart cards for secure user authentication Y. H. Gil(et al.)
  7. Proc. Canadian Conference Electrical Computer Engineering Collaborative fingerprint authentication by smart card and a trusted host Y. S. Moon(et al.)
  8. 한국통신학회지 v.17 no.3 차세대 IC 카드 기술 김호원;정교일;손승원;조현숙