분산 가상환경을 위한 네트워크 및 서버기술

  • 발행 : 2001.05.01




  1. Networked Virtual Environments: Design and Implementation Singhal S.;Michael. Zyda
  2. IEEE Std 1278.1-2 IEEE Standard for Distributed Interactive Simulation-Application Protocols
  3. Presence v.3 no.4 NPSNET:A Network Software Architecture for Large Scale Virtual Environments M.R. Macedonia;M.J.Zyda;D.R.Pratt
  4. Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium The SIMMET Virtual World Architecture J. Calvin(etc.)
  5. ACM SIGGRAPH Special Issue on 1995 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics RING: A Client-Server System for Multi-User Virtual Environments T.A. Funkhouser
  6. IEEE Multimedia Magazine v.3 no.1 Interactive Multi-user VEs in the DIVE System O. Hagsand
  7. ICME 2001 SHINE: An Implementation of Middleware for Internet Collaborative Workspaces D. Ko(etc.)
  8. ICME 2001 Virtual Architectural Engineering over the SHINE Middleware J.M.Yang(etc.)
  9. 전자공학회 추계 학술대회 클라이언트-서비기반 분산 가상 환경에서의 지연예측을 통한 효율적 공유상태 관리 심광현(외)
  10. 정보처리학회 대규모 분산 가상환경을 위한 계층화된 클라이언트-서버 네트워크 토폴로지 심광현(외)
  11. Ph.D dissertaion Dept. of Computer Science, Stanford University Effective remote modeling in lare-scale distributed simulation and visualization environments Singhal, S
  12. IEEE Software v.2 no.1 Amaze: A Multiplayer Computer Game Berglund, Eric J.;David R. C.
  13. Technical Report, Human Interface Tech. Lab., Unviersity of Washington The VEOS Project W. Bricken;G. Coco
  14. Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality Annual Internatinal Symposium The MR Toolkit Peers Package and Experiment C. Shaw;M. Green
  15. ACM SIGGRAPH Special Issue on 1992 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics Networked Virtual Environment B. Blau(etc.)
  16. Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium BrickNET: Sharing Object Behaviors on the Net G. Singh(etc.)
  17. Proceedings of VRAIS'96 Network topologies for Scalable Multi-User Virtual Environments T.A. Funkhouser