Isolation and Growth Characteristics of Alkalophilic Bacillus sp. for Removal of Anthraquinone Dye.

Anthraquinone계 염료의 제거를 위한 호알칼리성 Bacillus sp.의 분리와 성장 특성

  • 김정목 (대경대학 환경정보계열)
  • Published : 2001.06.01


Isolation and Growth Characteristics of AIkalophilic Bacillus sp. for Removal of Anthraquinone Dye. Kim, Jeong-Mog. School of Environmental Information, Taekyeung College, Kyungsan, 712-850, Korea -Alkalophilic strain degrading and decolorizing anthraquinone dye, Remazol brilliant blue R was isolated from natural system and named as Bacillus sp. ARB!. The optimal temperature and pH of Bacillus sp. ARBI were 35°C and 9.0, respectively. The pH of culture media during the fermentation were changed from 10 and 10.5 of initial values to 9.3 and 9.4 after 40 hrs, respectively. Decolorization efficiency in aerobic shaking culture of Bacillus sp. ARBI was markedly higher than that in standing culture. At the optimal culture condition, decolorization efficiency by the Bacillus sp. ARBl was 93% after 32 hrs batch culture. In the case of batch culture using real dye processing wastewater, dye decolorization efficiency of Bacillus sp. ARBl was 78% after 40 hrs.

자연계로부터 anthraquinone계 염료인 Remazol brilliant blue R를 분해.탈색하는 호알칼리성 균주를 분리하여 Bacillus sp. ARB1으로 명명하고 성장특성을 조사하였다. 최적 배양온도와 pH는 $35^{\circ}C$, pH 9.0로 나타났다. 배양액의 초기 pH가 10과 10.5일 경우 배양시간의 경과에 따라 pH 값이 점점 감소하여 40시간 후 9.3, 9.4로 각각 감소하였다. 진탕배양의 경우가 정치배양의 경우보다 Bacillus sp. ARB1의 탈색율이 현저히 높았다. 최적 배양조건에서 Bacillus sp. ARB1을 회분배양한 결과 배양 32시간 후 93%의 탈색율을 나타내었다. 실제 염색가공폐수를 사용한 회분배양에서 40시간 후에 탈색율은 78%로 나타났다.



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