Adsorption Equilibrium Moisture Content of Rough Rice, Brown Rice, White Rice and Rice Hull

벼, 현미, 백미 및 왕겨의 흡습평형함수율

  • Keum, D. H. (Dept. of Bio-Mechatronic Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University) ;
  • Kim, H. (Dept. of Bio-Mechatronic Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University)
  • Published : 2001.02.01


This study was performed to determine adsorption equilibrium moisture contents of rough rice, brown rice, white rice and rice hull grown in Korea. EMC values were measured by static method using saturated salt solutions at three temperature levels of 20$\^{C}$, 30$\^{C}$ and 40$\^{C}$, and eight relative humidity levels in the range from 11.2% to 85.0%. The measured EMC values were fitted to modified Henderson, Chung-Pfost, and modified Oswin models by using nonlinear regression analysis. The results of comparing root mean square errors for three models showed that modified Henderson and Chung-Pfost models could serve as good models, and that modified Oswin model could not be applicable to rough rice, brown rice, white rice and rice hull.



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