섬유 분별과 혼합 방법에 의한 신문고지로부터 화장지의 제조

Manufacture of Toilet Tissue from Old Newspaper by Fiber Fractionation and Blending

  • 고경무 (고려대학교 산림자원환경학과) ;
  • 백기현 (고려대학교 산림자원환경학과)
  • 발행 : 2001.03.01


To manufacture toilet tissue with ONP (old newspaper), the effect of fractionation fiber (R150, R100, R70 mesh) and bleaching(P, PY), blending (70/30) with MOW(mixed office wastepaper) or WL(white ledger) and the addition of softener on the optical and mechanical properties were studied. Considering the pulp yield, brightness and strengths, fibers of R100 mesh fraction were proper to be produced to toilet paper from ONP. This pulp showed the pulp yield of 76.8%, brightness of 50.2% ISO and tensile index of 21.1 Nm/g. By the bleach with P and PY stages, the brightness of the pulps increased up to 60.3% ISO and 61.8% ISO, respectively. When blended with MOW (57.3% ISO) or WL (76.2% ISO), the brightness of the former increased up to 58.5% ISO, the latter up to 63.6% ISO. The strengths of pulp blended with WL were higher than those of fractionated pulp from 100% ONP, however there was no difference in strengths between fractionated pulp and blended pulp wth MOW. While the addition of softener improved the softness of paper, but it decreased strengths of pulp and extended dispersing time in water.



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