A Semi-empirical Model for Polarimetric Radar Backscattering from Bare Soil Surfaces

  • Oh, Yi-Sok (Department of Radio Science and Communication Engineering, Hong-Ik University)
  • 발행 : 2001.06.01


A semi-empirical polarimetric backscattering model for bare soil surfaces is presented. Based on measurements by using polarimetric scatterometers and the JPL AirSAR, as well as the theoretical models, the backscattering coefficints $\sigma$$^0_w$, $\sigma$$^0_{hh}$ and $\sigma$$^0_{vh}$, and the parameters of the copolarized phase-difference probability density function, namely the degree of correlation $\alpha$ and the copolarized-phase-difference $\zeta$, are modeled empirically in terms of the volumetric soil moisture content m$_v$ and the surface roughness parameters $k_s$ and $k_l$, where k=2$\pi$f/c, s is the rms height and l is the correlation length.



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  3. Microwave Scattering and Emission Models and Their Applications A.K. Fung
  4. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing v.30 An empirical model and an inversion technique for radar scattering from bare soil surfaces Y. Oh;K. Sarabandi;F.T. Ulaby
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  11. IEEE Trans. Antennaa Propagat. v.40 Measurement and calibration of differential Mueller Matrix of distributed targets K. Sarabandi;Y. Oh;F.T. Ulaby
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  17. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing v.34 no.2 A numerical simulation of scattering from one-dimensional inhomogeneous dielectric random surfaces K. Sarabandi;Y. Oh;F.T. Ulaby