AC 및 ACF에 포집된 혼합 유기용제의 열탈착 방법에 따른 분석 및 평가

Analysis and Assessment by Thermal Desorption Method of Mixed Organic Solvents Collected on Activated Carbon(AC) and Activated Carbon Fiber(ACF)

  • 원정일 (충북대학교 환경생명과학과) ;
  • 김기환 (충북대학교 안전공학과) ;
  • 신창섭 (충북대학교 안전공학과)
  • 발행 : 2001.03.01


This study was conducted to evaluate desorption efficiencies accuracy and precision by $CS_2$ and thermal desorption method for polar and non-polar organic solvents collected on activated carbon(AC), activated carbon fiber(ACF), carbosieve SIII, materials tested were Methyl alcohol, n-Hexane, Benzene, Trichloroethylene, Methyl isobutyl ketone and methyl cellosolve acetate and six different concentration levels of samples were made. The results were as follows ; 1. Accuracy on kind adsorbent and desorption method was low. In case of $CS_2$ desorption solvent, Overall B and Overall CV on AC and ACF were 43% and 6.63%, respectively. In case of thermal desorption method, accuracy of thermal desorption method appeared higher than solvent desorption method by AC 18.0%, 3.54%, ACF 2.6%, 2.57%, Carbosieve SIII 13.7% and 1.97%, respectively. 2. In the concentration level III, accuracy of thermal desorption method on adsorbent was in order as follow ; ACF > Carbosieve SIII > AC in the methyl alcohol and Carbosieve SIII > ACF > AC in the rest of them all subject material and Concentration levels showed good precision at EPA recommend standard (${\leq}{\;}30%$) 3. DEs by type of organic solvent adsorbent and desorption method are as follows ; In the case that desorption solvent is $CS_2$, DE of Methyl alcohol is AC 47.5%, DE of all materials is ACF about 50%. In the case of thermal desorption method, DE of Methyl alcohol is AC 82.0%, ACF 97.4%, Carbosieve SIII 86.3%. DE of the later case is prominently improved more than one of former. In particular, Except that DE of EGMEA is ACF 88.5%, DE of the rest of it is more than 95% which is recommend standard MDHS 72. With the result of this study, in order to measure various organic solvent occurring from the working environment, in the case of thermal desorption method, we can get the accurate exposure assessment, reduce the cost, and use ACF as thermal desorption sorbent which available with easy.



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