가열처리에 따른 우유와 달걀의 Allegenicity의 변화와 소화율에 관한 연구

Changes in Allergenicity and Digestibility of Egg and Milk by Heat Treatment

  • 발행 : 2001.04.01


The first purpose of this study was to determine the changes in the allergenicity of milk and egg with heat treatment. The allergenicity of milk and egg is known to have a strong antigen. The second purpose of this study was to observe changes of disestibility of milk and egg after heat treatment. For this study, passive cutaneous anaphylaxis(PCA) inhibition experiment by using guinea pig and nonprotein nitrogen(NPN)experiment were attempted. The result were following: 1. The allergenicity of both milk and egg was reduced by heat treatment. 2. The degree of hydrolysis and PCA inhibition increased with longer heating time. 3. The increse in both the degree of hydrolysis and PCA inhibition of milk was higher than that of egg. 4. Egg contained a greater amount of allergen than milk after heat treatment. 5. The digestibility of both milk and egg was reduced by heat treatment. 6. The digestibility was reduced further by increasing heating time. 7. The digestibility of egg was lower than that of milk after the treatment.



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