회분식 공정에서의 생산 일정 계획

  • 이규황 (포항공과대학교 화학공학과) ;
  • 이호경 (포항공과대학교 화학공학과) ;
  • 이인범 (포항공과대학교 화학공학과)
  • 발행 : 2001.07.01




  1. Chem. Eng. Prog. v.35 Scheduling in Batch processes H. M. Ku;D. Rajagopalan;I. A. Karimi
  2. POSTECH J. H. Jung
  3. Computers and Chem. Eng. v.18 no.6 Completion times and optimal scheduling for serial multiproduct processes with transfer and setup times in zero wait policy J. H. Jung;H. Lee;D. R. Yang;I. B. Lee
  4. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. v.35 Optimal scheduling of multiproduct batch processes for various intermediate storage policies M. S. Kim;H. H. Jung;I. B. Lee
  5. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. v.27 Scheduling in serial multiproduct batch processes with finite interstage storage: A mixed integer linear program formulation H. M. Ku;I. A. Karimi
  6. Computers and Chem. Eng. v.13 no.1/2 Completion times in serial mixed storage multi-product processes with transfer and setup times D. Rajagopalan;I. A. Karimi
  7. 공정 설계와 운전을 위한 최적화 기법 I. E. Grossmann
  8. Computers and Chem. Eng. v.20 no.11 MILP Model for Scheduling and Design of a Special Class of Multipur-pose Batch Plants V. T. Voudouris;I. E. Grossmann
  9. Naval Research Logistics Quarterly v.1 no.1 Optimal two-and three-stage production schedules with setup times included S. M. Johnson
  10. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. v.30 An evaluation of simulated annealing for batch process scheduling H. M. Ku;A. Karimi
  11. Ind. eng. Chem. Res. v.28 Efficient optimization algorithms for zero-wait scheduling of multi-product batch plants D. B. Birewar;I. E. Grossmann
  12. Ind. eng. Chem. Res. v.36 A new completion time algorithm considering an out-of-phase policy in batch processes J. H. Ryu;I. B. Lee
  13. Computers and Chemical Engineering v.24 Optimal Scheduling of Batch plants satisfying multiple product orders with different due-dates C. A. Mendez;G. P. Henning;J. Cerda
  14. Computers and Chemical Engineering v.25 An MILP continuous-time approach to short-term scheduling of resource-constrained multistage flowshop batch facilities C. A. Mendez;G. P. Henning;J. Cerda
  15. European Journal of Operational Research v.109 Reduction of jop-shop problems to flow-shop problems with precedence constraints A Guinet;M. Legrand
  16. European Journal of Operational Research v.113 Deterministic job-shop scheduling : Past, present and future A. S. Jain;S. Meeran
  17. Computers and Chem. Engng. v.24 A novel MILP formulation for short-term scheduling of multistage multi-product batch plants C. W. Hui;A. Gupta
  18. Computers and Chem Engng. v.25 General continuous time models for production planning and scheduling of batch processing plants: mixed integer linear program formulations and computational issues S. Oreun;I. K. Altinel;O. Hortacsu
  19. Computers Chem. Engng. v.17 A General Algorithm for Short-term Scheduling of Batch Operations-I. MILP Formulation E. Kondili;C. C. Pantelides;R. W. H. Sargent
  20. Computers Chem. Engng. v.20 The Optimal Operation of Mixed Production Facilities-A General Formulation and Some Approaches for the Solution X. Zhang;R. W. H. Sargent
  21. Computers Chem. Eng. v.20 A Simple Continuous-time Process Scheduling Formulation and a Novel Solution Algorithm G. Schilling;C. C. Pantelides
  22. Computers Chem. Engng. v.23 Optimal Periodic Scheduling of Multipurpose Plants G. Schilling;C. C. Pantelides
  23. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. v.40 An Improved RTN Continuous-Time Formulation for the Short-term Scheduling of Multipurpose batch Plants P. Castro;A. P. F. D. Barbosa-Povoa;H. Matos
  24. Computers Chem. Engng. v.21 Mathematical Programming Formulation for Scheduling of Batch Operations Based on Nonuniform Time Discretization L. Mockus;G. V. Reklaitis
  25. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. v.38 Continuous Time Representation Approach to Batch and Continuous Process Scheduling. 1. MINLP Formulation L. Mokus;G. V. Reklaitis
  26. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. v.37 Effective Continuous-time Formulation for short-term Scheduling. 1. Multipurpose Batch Processes M. G. Ierapetritou;C. A. Floudas
  27. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. v.37 Effective Continuous-time Formulation for short-term Scheduling. 2. Continuous and semi-continuous Processes M. G. Ierapetritou;C. A. Floudas
  28. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. v.38 Effective Continuous-time Formulation for short-term Scheduling. 3.Multiple Intermediate Due Dates M. G. Ierapetritou;C. A. Floudas
  29. Chem. Eng. Pipeless plants boost batch processing T. Niwa
  30. Prec. 5th PSE Evaluation of pipeless process and recipe-based operation T. Niwa
  31. Trans IChemE v.73 Short-term Scheduling of Pipeless Batch Plants C. C. Pantelides;M. J. Realff;N. Shah
  32. Computers chem. Engineering v.20 Simultaneous Design, Layout and Scheduling of Pipeless Batch Plants M. J. Realff;N. Shah;C. C. Pantelides
  33. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. v.37 Continuous-Time Modeling for Short-Term Scheduling of Multipurpose Pipeless Plants J. K. Bok;S. Park
  34. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. v.34 no.9 Continuous time mixed integer linear programming model for short term scheduling of multistage batch plants J. M. Pinto;Ignacio E. Grossmann
  35. Computers Chem. Engineering v.24 Scheduling of Pipeless Batch Plants using Constraint Satisfaction Techniques Huang, W.;P. W. H. Chung
  36. International Journal of Production Economics v.60-61 Cyclic scheduling for re-entrant manufacturing systems K. Yura
  37. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing v.1 no.3 Scheduling Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication L. M. Wein
  38. Computers Chem. Engng. v.22 no.10 A two-stage methodology for short-term batch plant scheduling discrete-event simulation and genetic algorithm Catherine Azzaro-Pantel;Leonardo Bernal_Haro;Philippe Baudet;Serge Domenech;Luc Pibouleau
  39. European Symposium of Computer Aided Engineering Scheduling and Simulated Annealing Application to a Semiconductor Circuit Fabrication Platn E. Peyrol;P. Floquet;L. Pibouleau;S. Pomenech
  40. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. v.37 Short-term scheduling of batch process using SBM(Sequence Branch Method) S. Lee;J. Bok;S. Park
  41. IEEE Trans. Semicond. Manuf. v.7 no.3 Efficient Scheduling Policies to Reduce Mean and Variance of Cycle-Time in Semiconductor Manufacturing Plants S. C. Lu;D. Ramaswamy;P. R. Kumar
  42. Journal of Operations Management v.3 no.4 Scheduling of re-entrant flowshops S. C. Graves;H. C. Meal;D. Stefek;A. H. Zeghmi
  43. SIAM J. Alg. Disc. Meth. v.6 Disjunctive Programming and A Hieracrchy of Relaxations for Discrete Optimization Problems E. Balas
  44. KACC conference, Fall. POSTECH Scheduling Models in Semiconductor Industries S. Moon;S. Park
  45. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. v.39 Scheduling a Single-Product Reentrant Process with Unifoum Processing Times Lamba, N.;Karimi, I. A.;Bhalla,A.