The Elastic Moduli and Fatigue Properties of Canine Trabecular Bone Tissue

  • Park, Kuiwon (Biomedical Research Center, Korea Institute of Science & Technology) ;
  • Gon Khang (School of Electronics & Information, Kyung Hee University) ;
  • Steven A. Goldstein (Orthopaedic Research Laboratories, The University of Michigan)
  • Published : 2001.07.01


The elastic modulus and fatigue properties of canine and human trabecular bone tissues (single trabecular) were experimentally determined on a microstructural level using four-point bending cyclic test, and they were compared based on microstructural characteristics and mineral density. The results showed that canine trabecular bone tissue had significantly lower modulus and lower fatigue strength than human tissue. The observed microstructural differences between the two tissues may be more responsible for the differences, although the lower mineral density in canine tissue might also have contributed to the lower modulus and fatigue strength.



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