- Bielefeld Preprint Series Properly Discontinuous Groups of Affine Transformations with Orthogonal Linear Part H.Abels;G.Margulis;G.Soifer
- Ann.of Math. v.2 no.71(3) Bieberbach's Theorem on Space Groups and Discrete Uniform Subgroups of Lie Groups L.Auslander
- Topology v.3 The structure of complete locally affine manifolds
- Global Analysis: Proc.Sympos.Pure Math. v.14 On certain automorphisms of nilpotent Lie groups L.Auslander;J.Scheuneman
- C.R.Acad.Sci.Paris Ser. I Math. v.315 Une nilvariete non affine Y.Benoist
- J.Differential Geom. v.41 Une nilvariete non affine
- The Uniqueness of Polynomial Crystallogralhic Actions Y.Benoist;K.Dekimpe
- Gott.Nachr. Uber die Bewegungsgruppen der n-dimensionalen euklidischen Raumes mit einem endlichen Fundamentalbereich L.Bieberbach
- Math.Ann. v.72 Uber die Bewegungsgruppen der Euklidischen Raume II
- Lecture Notes in Math v.898 Anosov diffeomorphisms with pinched spectrum M.Brin;A.Manning
- Crystallographic groups of four-dimensional Space H.Brown;R.Bulow;J.Neubuser;H.Wondratscheck;H.Zassenhaus
- Internat.J.Math. v.7 no.5 Affine structures on nilmanifolds D.Burde
- J.Pure Appl.Algebra v.99 Modules for certain Lie algebras of maximal class D.Burde;F.Grunewald
- Proceedings of the Second Conference on Compact Transformation Groups v.299 Manifolds with few periodic homeomorphisms;Lecture Notes in Math P.E.Conner;F.Raymond
- Bull.Amer.Math.Soc. v.83 no.1 Deforming Homotopy Equivalences to Homeomorphisms in Aspherical Manifolds
- Lecture Notes in Math. v.1639 Almost-Bieberbach Groups: Affine and Polynomial Structures K.Dekimpe
- Internat.J.Math.(to appear) Cohomology Vanishing Results and Polynomial Structures
- Trans.Amer.Math.Soc.(to appear) Hyperbolic automorphisms and Anosov diffeomorphisms on nilmanifolds
- Polynomial Crystallographic Actions on the Plane
- Invent.Math. v.129 no.1 Polycyclic-by-finite groups admit a bounded-degree polynomial structure K.Dekimpe;P.Igodt
- Trans.Amer.Math.Soc. v.349 Polynomial structures on polycyclic groups
- Math.Z. v.234 Polynomial Alternatives for the Group of Affine Motions
- Trans.Amer.Math.Soc. v.348 Polynomial structures for nilpotent groups K.Dekimpe;P.Igodt;K.B.Lee
- Indag.Math. v.5 no.3 There are only finitely many infranilmanifolds under each nilmanifold: a new proof K.Dekimpe;P.Igodt;W.Malfait
- Anosov diffeomorphisms and affine structures on infra-nilmanifolds(preprint) Expanding maps K.Dekimpe;K.B.Lee
- Expanding maps on infra-nilmanifolds of homogeneous type(preprint)
- Asian J.Math.(to appear) Bieberbach theorems on solvable Lie groups L.Dekimpe;K.B.Lee;F.Raymond
- Proc.Amer.Math.Soc. v.128 A special class of nilmanifolds admitting an Anosov diffeomorphism K.Dekimpe;W.Malfait
- Topology v.7 Expanding endomorphisms of flat manifolds D.Epstein;M.Shub
- Global Analysis:Proc.Sympos.Pure Math. v.14 Anosov diffeomorphisms J.Franks
- Math. v.47 no.1 Three-Dimensional Affine Crystallographic Groups D.Fried;W.M.Goldman
- Sitzungsber.Akad.Wiss. v.29 Uber die unzerlegbaren diskreten Bewegungsgruppen G.Frobenius
- GAP-Groups, Algorithms, and Programming The GAP Group;Aachem;St Andrews
- Math.USSR Sbornik v.14 no.2 Discrete subgroups of solvable Lie groups of type(E) V.V.Gorbacevic
- Math.USSR Sbornik v.20 no.2 Lattices in solvable Lie groups and deformations of homogeneous spaces
- J.Differential Geom. v.13 Almost flat manifolds M.Gromov
- Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques v.53 Groups of polynomial growth and expanding maps
- Math.Z. v.179 Nilpotent groups of Hirsch length six F.J.Grunewald;D.Segal;L.S.Sterling
- Global Analysis:Proc.Sympos.Pure Math.XIV Expanding Maps and transformation groups M.W.Hirsch
- Topology v.10 Anosov maps, polycyclic groups and homology
- J.Diferential Geom. v.2 Flat manifolds with parallel torsion F.Kamber;P.Tondeur
- Quart.J.Math. v.34 no.2 The Seifert construction and its applications to infra-nilmanifolds Y.Kamishima;K.B.Lee;F.Raymond
- Seminaire Bourbaki v.802 Challenging problems on affine n-space H.Kraft
- Expanding maps on homogeneous infra-nilmanifolds H.Lee;K.B.Lee
- Amer.J.Math. v.105 Aspherical manifolds with virtually 3-step nilpotent fundamental group K.B.Lee
- Quart.J.Math. v.39 no.2 There are only finitely many infra-nilmanifolds under each nilmanifold
- Quart.J.Math. v.46 no.2 Infra-solvmanifolds of type(R)
- Contemp.Math. v.33 Geometric realization of group extensions by the Seifert construction K.B.Lee;F.Raymond
- Contemp.Math. v.44 Rigidity of almost crystallographic groups
- Geom.Dedicata v.79 no.3 Anosov diffeomorphisms on nilmanifolds of dimension at most six W.Malfait
- Gontemp.Math.(to appear) An obstruction to the existence of Anosov diffeomorphisms on infra-nilmanifolds
- Amer.J.Math. v.96 no.3 There are no new Anosov diffeomorphisms on tori A.Manning
- Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR v.272 Free properly discontinuous groups of affine transformations G.A.Margulis
- Adv.Math. v.25 On fundamental groups of complete affinely flat manifolds J.Milnor
- Topology v.11 Anosov diffeomorphisms of flat manifolds H.L.Porteous
- J.Differential Geom. v.17 Almost flat manifolds E.A.Ruh
- Proc.Amer.Math.Soc. v.46 no.3 Affine structures on three-step nilpotent Lie algebras J.Scheuneman
- Polycyclic Groups D.Segal
- Amer.J.Math. v.91 Endomorphisms of compact differentiable manifolds M.Shub
- Global Analysis: Proc.Sympos.Pure Math.XIV v.14 Expanding maps
- Bull.Amer.Math.Soc. v.73 Differentiable dynamical systems S.Smale
- Math.Ann. v.317 rigidity of group actions on solvable Lie groups B.Wilking
- Comment.Math.Helv. v.21 Uber einen Algorithmus zur Bestimmung der Raumgruppen H.Zassenhaus