A Steady-State Combustion Modelling of Composite Solid Propellants

  • Hur, Byung-Ki (Department of Biological Engineering, Inha University) ;
  • Kim, Chong-Bo (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Inha University)
  • 발행 : 2001.04.01


By depicting the transfer of heat and combustion reaction to take place within thin gas layers close to the propellant surface burning in a steady-state fashion, a mathematical equation has been deduced to describe the burning rate of solid propellant as a function of initial grain temperature and chamber pressure. It has been also assumed that chemical reaction could take place in premixing-diffusing zone but were carried out mainly in the reaction-flame zone. All these phenomena taken place in each zone of combustion have been assumed to be steady-state. In the present investigation, the equation, γ=$\kappa$$.$(1/R(T(sub)i+C))(sup)n$.$exp(-E(sub)a/R(T(sub)i+C))(P/z) is being presented and it is compared with experimental data. The proposed model has been tested and evaluated vis-a-vis strand burner data for three different propellants based on CTPB, and it has been found that the deviation of the computed burning rates from the measured rates ranged up to 2%.



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