Experimental Analysis of Radiative Heat Interchange on Furnace Exit Plane of a Steam Boiler

  • 발행 : 2001.02.01


Measured radiative heat fluxes on the furnace exit plane of a heavy duty power boiler of steam output 1650 T/h are discussed. A high-ash pulverized bituminous coal was used. Such measurements are necessary to improve heat fluxes inside a steam boiler furnace was manufactured. An extra small heat radiation sensor was placed in the water cooled head of the probe. The sensor had no direct contact with furnace gases and measured only the radiant energy. There was no exposure to convective heat transfer. With the radiometric probe, one can obtain a spherical indicatrix of radiation intensity as well as hemispherical radiative heat flux incident on any surface passing through a measuring point inside the furnace. Thus, the quantity of radiation energy, passing through the furnace exit plane, to the convective heating surfaces and the quantity of radiation energy going in the opposite direction were measured. A formula for relative radiative heat flux on the furnace exit plane has been proposed.



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