블록하중을 받는 충격손상 적층복합재료의 피로수명 예측

Fatigue Life Predication of Impacted Laminates Under Block Loading

  • 발행 : 2001.07.01


This paper presents the fatigue behavior of composite materials with impact-induced damage under 2 level block loading. For this purpose, the 2 level block loading fatigue tests were performed on the impacted composite laminate. The fatigue life of the laminate under the block loading is greatly influenced by the impact damage; the effect of impact damage can be characterized by the present impact damage parameter. Based on this parameter, the model is developed to predict the fatigue life under block loading and the results by this model agree well with experimental results regardless of applied impact energy. Also, stochastic model is established to describe the variation of cumulative damage behavior and fatigue life due to the material nonhomogeneity.



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