The removal of nitrogen compounds from waste water is essential and is often accomplished by biological process. The denitrifying bacterium, Paracoccus denitrificans (KCTC 2530), was employed to study the characteristics and the denitrification differences of Permeabilized strains and untreated strains. The permeabilization rate increased with increasing toluene concentration, but some part of the toluene contributed to denaturing the datachment of proteins from the plasma membrane. Permeabilized Paracoccus denitrificans had long lag phase and high specific growth rate in cultivation, and showed excellent denitrification characteristic compared with untreated strains. But, in both cases, the denitrification ability was significantly reduced after 4 or 5 denitrifications. It seems that the strains fall into the death phase when the nutrient was exhausted. When the nutrient recovered to its initial level, the denitrification ability also recovered to the normal level. The results obtained were encouraging enough to apply to practical water treatment situation.
탈질화 균주인 P. del1itrific$\alpha$m를 유지용매인 툴루엔요로 permeabilization 처리하논데, 툴루엔의 농도와 처려시간에 따 른 영향을 관찰한 결과 폴루엔의 농도에 비례하여 permeab bilization 처리는 잘 이루어지지만 일정농도 이상의 툴루엔 농도에서는 세포벽으로부터 탈려련 단백질의 denaturation에 툴루엔이 사용됨을 확인하였다. Permeabilization 처리된 P. denitrficans는 미쳐려 균주보다 우수한 탈질능력을 보였고, 반복탤칠 처리시에는 처리균주와 미처리균주 공히 초기 활 질처리 시간보다 짧은 시간 내에 같은 농도의 칠산생 칠소를 처리하는 경향음 보였다. 3-4회의 반복탈질처리 후 침산성켈 소 농도와 영양물켈을 초기농도로 회복시켜주었올 경우, 같은 속도와 경향으로 탈칠처리 하는 능력을 보였다.